Microsoft hari ini merilis update baru untuk pengguna Edge pada channel Dev, di mana kini tampilan telah mengikuti bahasa design dari Windows 11.
Jadi kini Edge menggunakan acrylic design pada bagian frame jendela dan menu yang ada. Selain itu material Mica kini juga digunakan pada konteks menu yang ada di Edge.
Perubahan lain pada Edge 95:
- Features enabled by default:
- Windows 11-style visual updates (note that these are still in development).
- The ability to annotate PDFs with freeform text.
- The ability for PDFs to restore what page they were on when they are re-opened.
- The ability to annotate web captures with ink.
- Management policies (note that updates to documentation and administrative templates may not have occurred yet):
- Added a policy to control if Intranet File Links are Enabled, which controls if file: URLs located on intranet pages will open File Explorer.
- Enabled support for the policy from Chromium to control if Cross Origin Web Assembly Module Sharing is Enabled.
- Enabled support for the policy from Chromium to control if the Display Capture Permissions Policy is Enabled.
- Improved support for opening local files in the browser on iOS.
Selain itu, juga terdapat changelog perbaikan dan masalah yang (mungkin) muncul. Selengkapnya bisa kamu lihat disini.
Seperti biasa, perbaruan ini bisa kamu dapatkan melalui about Microsoft Edge (edge://about) atau download melalui halaman resmi Microsoft.