Hari ini Microsoft merilis Windows 10 Build 19619 untuk pengguna insider di Fast Ring. Update kali ini membawa beberapa perubahan pada aplikasi Your Phone, serta kemampuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai situasi pandemi COVID-19 langsung dari Windows Search.
Berikut pernyataan resmi dari Microsoft melalui blognya.
Kemudahan Mengakses Informasi COVID-19
Kamu akan mendapati banner informasi coronavirus pada bagian search home.

Kamu bisa memilih opsi View interactive map untuk mengakses tracker COVID-19 yang dapat melihat informasi terkini, baik berita lokal maupun internasional.
Kamu juga bisa memilih opsi See headlines untuk mendapatkan berita mengenai coronavirus dari MSN.
Mengatur Musik dan Video melalui Your Phone

Terdapat beberapa changelog penting pada aplikasi Your Phone, diantaranya:
- Kamu bisa berinteraksi langsung terhadap aplikasi audio yang sedang berjalan.
- Judul musik berserta detail penyanyi/artis akan tertampil pada Your Phone.
- Pengaturan yang bisa kamu lakukan terhadap audio meliputi play, pause, dan previous/next.
Spesifikasi yang dibutuhkan:
- Windows 10 October 2018 Update atau diatasnya.
- Android versi 7.0 (Nougat) atau diatasnya.
- Aplikasi yang mendukung media control pada notifikasi di Android. Contohnya Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Google Play Music, YouTube Music, Xiami Music, dan Google Podcast.
- Dibutuhkan izin untuk mengakses audio untuk setiap aplikasi. Kamu bisa mengaktifkannya melalui Android Settings > Notifications > select the audio app > turn Notifications on.
Masalah yang diketahui
- Belum mendukung YouTube video dan Audible.
Fitur ini akan dirilis secara bertahap dalam beberapa hari kedepan, jadi pastikan kamu selalu mengecek perbaruan terhadap aplikasi.
General Change
- Ketika terdapat masalah konektivitas saat melakukan sinkronasi waktu di Settings > Time & Language > Time, maka akan terdapat penjelasan error.
- We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders experiencing bugchecks with error DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATION in the last few builds. This is also believed to be the root cause of some Insiders experiencing their PC frequently freezing.
- We fixed an issue while typing into the browser that could result in the Japanese IME unexpectedly being in Private mode even though the browser wasn’t in inPrivate mode.
- We fixed an issue causing many Schannel errors to appear in the System event log.
- We fixed an issue resulting in some unexpected characters showing up in the text strings of intl.cpl’s Additional Settings > Currency.
- We fixed an issue resulting in stordiag.exe crashing on launch if you tried to open it while running a repro mode trace while filing feedback under the “Disks and Storage” context in the Feedback Hub.
Masalah yang Muncul
- We’re aware Narrator and NVDA users that seek the latest release of Microsoft Edge based on Chromium may experience some difficulty when navigating and reading certain web content. Narrator, NVDA and the Edge teams are aware of these issues. Users of legacy Microsoft Edge will not be affected. NVAccess has released a NVDA 2019.3 that resolves the known issue with Edge.
- We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
- We’re still investigating an issue where the Documents and Downloads sections under Privacy show a broken icon next to their page name (just a rectangle).
- We’re investigating reports that the battery icon on the lock screen always shows close to empty, regardless of actual battery levels.
- We’re investigating reports of IIS configuration being set to default after taking a new build. You will need to back up your IIS configuration and restore it after the new build is installed successfully.
- Quickly switching between WSL distros using the File Explorer integration could cause a transient access error. We’ve identified the cause of this issue and are releasing a fix soon.
Seperti biasa, kamu bisa cek perbaruan melalui halaman Windows Update di Settings.