Hari ini Microsoft merilis Windows 10 Build 19640, ini merupakan rangkaian build feature update dengan codename Manganese alias 20H2 yang mana merupakan feature update selanjutnya dari May 2020 Update.
Peningkatan yang Diberikan:
- Based on feedback, if your Downloads folder is synced to a cloud provider, we are disabling the option to have Storage Sense automatically clear out your Downloads folder on a cycle.
- We updated our login logic, so if your PC is set up so you need to type in your username when logging in, accidentally starting your username with a space will no longer result in an error.
Masalah yang muncul:
- We’re looking into an issue where some devices booting from eMMC storage bugchecked when resuming from hibernate.
- We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
- We’re working on fixing an issue for a future Insider Preview build where in Settings > Privacy, the Documents and Downloads sections show a broken icon next to their page name (just a rectangle).
- We’re looking into reports that taskbar preview thumbnails aren’t rendering consistently (showing a blank area).
Jika kamu sedang berada di Fast Ring, kamu bisa mendapatkan update ini melalui halaman Windows Update di Settings.
Source: Microsoft