Minggu kemarin, Microsoft telah merilis Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 25188 dimana didalam build tersebut ada sejumlah peningkatan, termasuk peningkatan pada touch keyboard untuk mereka para pengguna layar touch screen.
Nah minggu ini, ada pembaruan baru untuk para pengguna Windows 11 Insider Dev Channel, dimana build yang dihadirkan kini diperbarui ke 25192 dengan membawa sejumlah peningkatan.
Salah satu peningkatan yang menjadi highlight build ini adalah kini Xbox subscriptions akan hadir dan ikut tampil dalam account management dihalaman Settings.

Jika sebelumnya dihalaman tersebut hanya ada Microsoft 365 Subscriptions, dengan ditambahkannya Xbox Subscriptions, ini akan membuat halaman Settings lebih terintegrasi dengan hampir semua layanan Microsoft lainnya.
Peningkatan kedua yang masih menjadi highlight pada build ini adalah kini ada dukungan braille display di Narator. Fitur ini adalah salah satu fitur accessibility yang akan sangat bermanfaat sekali untuk para pengguna berkebutuhan khusus.
Untuk menginstall narator braille support, pengguna bisa menghapus braille support lama dihalaman Optional Features > Installed Features, kemudian menginstall yang baru dihalaman Settings > Accessibility > Narrator > Braille > More > Download and Install Braille Button.
Selain dari dua peningkatan tersebut, ada sejumlah perbaikan yang dihadirkan, termasuk perbaikan pada taskbar overflow yang tidak menampilkan warna yang sesuai dengan tema yang pengguna gunakan, perbaikan pada explorer.exe yang kadang crash dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk lebih lengkapnya, kamu bisa cek changelog berikut.
- Fixed an issue causing enabling .NET Framework 3.5 from the Windows Features dialog to not work in the previous build.
- Made a fix so the taskbar overflow will now use the same accent color as your taskbar.
- Fixed a couple of issues which were leading to sporadic explorer.exe crashes related to the taskbar overflow.
- Fixed an issue related to the widgets entry in the taskbar which was causing the taskbar icons to appear to drift around sometimes in the previous flight.
- Fixed an issue for Insiders with at least two monitors, where if the monitors had different DPI, the taskbar overflow could appear before it was needed or end up overlapped with the date and time on the secondary monitor.
- Fixed an issue where the taskbar overflow flyout might appear floating away from the taskbar if you opened it after a display scaling change.
- Fixed an issue that was causing unexpected characters to show instead of an apostrophe in the tooltip for the Sleep option in the Power menu.
- Fixed an issue which could lead to Start menu crashing on launch for some people when Search Highlights was enabled.
- If the taskbar is set to auto-hide and File Explorer is maximized, hovering your mouse on the bottom of the screen to invoke the taskbar should work now.
- Fixed an issue when dragging and dropping a folder to pin it to the navigation pane, that the line indicating where it would be inserted didn’t have enough contrast in dark mode.
- We fixed an issue where the search box background in File Explorer might be the opposite color of your current mode (for example dark in light mode).
- Fixed an issue where File Explorer would appear to open, close, and re-open before it finished drawing after being launched from certain places (for example when opening the location of a downloaded file from Microsoft Edge).
- Fixed an issue where certain files couldn’t be unpinned from the Favorites section of Home after you’d pinned them.
- Made another fix to help address UI issues when switching between dark and light mode if the File Explorer window was open when you switch.
- Fixed a GDI objects leak when resizing the navigation pane in File Explorer, which could potentially lead to content in File Explorer not rendering correctly over time for Insiders who resized the navigation pane frequently.
- Made some improvements to help the performance of loading Home when using a cloud storage provider, like OneDrive, to back up your files in File Explorer.
- Fixed an issue causing the Storage page in Settings as well as Disk Cleanup to crash in the scan phase for some people.
- Fixed an issue where URIs to open pages under the Accounts section of Settings weren’t working for some people – Settings would open, but not navigate to the correct page. This impacted the link to open Sign-in Options in the Start menu.
- Fixed an issue leading to app icons not displaying correctly under Privacy & Security > Voice activation.
- Fixed a Settings crash when uninstalling apps using Apps > Installed apps.
- Fixed an issue which could sometimes cause a ShellExperienceHost.exe crash when you stopped casting to another display or switched to duplicate your display.
- Added a warning to findstr if Unicode input is detected, to make it more clear if that’s why results aren’t returned for certain files.
- Fixed an issue in recent flights causing lines to not be included when printing tables from certain apps.
- Fixed an issue in recent flights which could lead to hangs in certain apps.
Nah bagaimana? ada banyak banget bukan?, untuk kamu para pengguna Windows 11 Insider Dev Channel, kamu sudah bisa mendapatkan build 25193 ini pada halaman Settings > Windows Updates.
Via : Microsoft