Beberapa waktu lalu Microsoft merilis Windows 11 Insider Build 25131 untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel. Dengan build baru ini, ada pengalaman baru untuk Microsoft Store loh.
Sedikit kita bahas, di versi ini, Microsoft Store versi 22205.1401.3.0 di Windows 11 Insider 25131, Store kini mendapatkan sejumlah peningkatan, terlebih untuk perangkat ARM64, dimana perfora kini lebih baik dan lebih cepat, selain itu fitur auto update apps sendiri kini lebih baik, begitu pula dengan dukungan Android Apps yang kini lebih baik juga.

Salah satu hal yang mungkin terasa untuk para pengguna adalah kini di Microsoft Store, navigasi terasa lebih cepat, dimana Microsoft kini meningkatkan browsing experience untuk Microsoft Store.
Untuk opsi pembayaran sewa dan beli pada bagian movies dan tv shows, kini tampil dengan lebih bagus dan lebih simpel, tepat seperti pada gambar berikut.

Selain peningkatan pada Microsoft Store, ada sejumlah perbaikan pada beberapa fitur penting Windows 11, mencakup File Explorer, Search, Settings, dan lainnya, berikut adalah changelog Windows 11 Insider Build 25131.
- Fixed an issue causing some Insider PCs with certain AMD processors to bugcheck and roll back when attempting to upgrade to last weeks flight. This issue is also believed to be the cause of some Insiders experiencing a bugcheck after enabling SVM in the bios on their PCs in the last build.
- Fixed an issue which was causing some Insiders with secondary accounts on their PC to not be able to upgrade to the latest builds.
- The new folder icon used in the command bar should be consistent with the one used in the context menu now.
- Fixed an issue which could lead to File Explorer hanging when browsing folders with lots of .mkv files.
- Fixed an issue which was causing searching from Home to not return any results sometimes from the Open or Save dialog (when doing it from File Explorer returned results).
- Searching for something like %appdata% should now show a proper folder icon and not just a blank square.
- When selecting Open file location for a search result, it should now select the file in the folder again now, and not just open the folder.
- Searching for default will now return the default apps Settings page as the first result, and not require you to click show all results in order to see it.
- Fixed an issue where the Listen to this device audio option would stop working after a reboot until being unchecked and rechecked.
- Narrator will now read out the position of the radio buttons in the Settings > Accessibility > Color filters page to make it easier to navigate.
- Hovering over Do you like what you see? when using Windows Spotlight on the lock screen should no longer display a shadow which extends to the bottom of the screen.
- Fixed an issue which was leading to certain frame rate monitoring applications impacting game performance.
- Fixed an issue that could cause rounded corners to unexpectedly become pixelated at certain scale factors.
Nah untuk kamu yang kini menggunakan Windows 11 Insider Dev Channel, kamu bisa mendapatkan build ini secara langsung dari halaman Settings > Windows Updates.
Bagaimana menurutmu? komen dibawah guys.
Via : Microsoft