Firefox baru saja merilis update minor untuk versi 89. Dengan membawa versi ke 89.0.1, Firefox memberikan update berupa masalah keamanan dan perbaikan.
Berikut changelog di Firefox 89.0.1
- Windows: Resolved an issue causing some screen readers to not interact correctly with Firefox anymore
- Updated translations, including full Spanish (Mexico) localization and other improvements
- Fix various font related regressions
- Linux: Fix performance and stability regressions with WebRender
- macOS: Fix screen flickering when scrolling a page on an external monitor
- Enterprise: Fix for the DisableDeveloperTools policy not having effect anymore
- Linux: Fix broken scrollbars on some GTK themes
Untuk masalah keamanan, ini merupakan celah keamanan yang tergolong tidak cukup parah.
- CVE-2021-29968: When drawing text onto a canvas with WebRender disabled, an out of bounds read could occur. This bug only affects Firefox on Windows. Other operating systems are unaffected.
Jika kamu pengguna Firefox, kamu bisa mendapatkan update ini dengan cara cek perbaruan di Menu > Help > About Firefox.
Source: Firefox