Beberapa waktu lalu Google Chrome telah diperbarui ke versi 100.0.4896.88 baik untuk versi Desktop, Android dan iOS, nah didalamnya meskipun tidak menghadirkan fitur baru, namun ada sekitar 11 vulnerabilities penting yang diperbaiki.
Selain itu bahkan 9 dari 11 vulnearbility tersebut ditandai sebagai high severity dan tentunya wajib banget untuk segera diperbaiki karena merupakan kerentanan keamanan yang penting, berikut adalah vulnerability tersebut dilansir dari halaman Chrome Release.
- [$6000][1285234] High CVE-2022-1305: Use after free in storage. Reported by Anonymous on 2022-01-07
- [$3000][1299287] High CVE-2022-1306: Inappropriate implementation in compositing. Reported by Sven Dysthe on 2022-02-21
- [$3000][1301873] High CVE-2022-1307: Inappropriate implementation in full screen. Reported by Irvan Kurniawan (sourc7) on 2022-03-01
- [$1000][1283050] High CVE-2022-1308: Use after free in BFCache. Reported by Samet Bekmezci @sametbekmezci on 2021-12-28
- [$TBD][1106456] High CVE-2022-1309: Insufficient policy enforcement in developer tools. Reported by David Erceg on 2020-07-17
- [$TBD][1307610] High CVE-2022-1310: Use after free in regular expressions. Reported by Brendon Tiszka on 2022-03-18
- [$TBD][1310717] High CVE-2022-1311: Use after free in Chrome OS shell. Reported by Nan Wang(@eternalsakura13) and Guang Gong of 360 Alpha Lab on 2022-03-28
- [$TBD][1311701] High CVE-2022-1312: Use after free in storage. Reported by Leecraso and Guang Gong of 360 Vulnerability Research Institute on 2022-03-30
- [$TBD][1270539] Medium CVE-2022-1313: Use after free in tab groups. Reported by Thomas Orlita on 2021-11-16
- [$TBD][1304658] Medium CVE-2022-1314: Type Confusion in V8. Reported by Bohan Liu (@P4nda20371774) of Tencent Security Xuanwu Lab on 2022-03-09
- [1315276] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives
Nah karena berisi perbaikan vulnerabilities penting, pastikan kamu telah menggunakan Google Chrome 100.0.4896.88 ya, kamu bisa cek dihalaman chrome://settings/help.
Via : Google