Pendapatan Microsoft Dari Windows 10 Meningkat Secara Signifikan Dalam Kuartal Terakhir!

Membahas pendapatan Microsoft, dikabarkan bahwa dalam kuartal terakhir ini mereka berhasil meningkatkan penghasilan mereka dari penjualan system operasi Windows.

Sekali lagi Windows menjadi mesin pembuat uang untuk Microsoft, dengan divisi Personal Computing yang mencakup Windows, Surface, Xbox dan Gaming sendiri menghasilkan $ meningkat 35% dari sebelumnya. Pendapatan ini lebih besar dari Intelligent Cloud (Azure, Server, Enterprise Services) yang hanya mendapatkan $11.900.000.000, dan Productivity and Business Processes (Office, LinkedIn, Dynamics) yang mendapatkan penghasilan sekitar $11.800.000.000.

Penjualan dari Divisi Personal Computing sendiri mencakup :

  • Windows OEM meningkat meningkat 18%.
  • Windows Commercial Product and Cloud Service meningkat 25%.
  • Surface meningkat 6%.
  • Search advertising Meingkat 6%
  • Xbox content and services Turun 11%.

Ada beberapa alasan untuk peningkatan pendapatan Windows, termasuk salah satunya adalah akhir dukungan Windows 7 dan pelanggan dianjurkan untuk mengupgrade ke Windows 10.

Amy Hood, executive vice president and chief financial officer of Microsoft sendiri mengatakan permintaan akan Windows 10 semakin kuat dalam kuartal terakhir.

“In Windows, overall PC market growth was stronger than we expected and benefited from the low prior year comparable related to the timing of chip supply to our OEM partners. OEM Pro revenue, which makes up roughly 40 percent of total Windows revenue, grew 26 percent driven by continued momentum in advance of Windows 7 end of support and strong Windows 10 demand. The benefit from the low prior year comparable drove roughly 11 points of growth,” she said in the conference call with analysts after the earnings release.”

“OEM Non-Pro revenue, which makes up roughly 20 percent of total Windows revenue, increased 4 percent. This quarter, continued pressure in the entry level category was more than offset by roughly 7 points of benefit from the low prior year comparable and the timing of license purchases from an OEM partner. Inventory levels ended the quarter in the normal range.”

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Sumber : Microsoft

Gylang Satria

Penulis, Pengguna Windows 11, Elementary OS, dan Iphone SE 2020. Tag @gylang_satria di Disqus jika ada pertanyaan.

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