Bulan lalu kita mendapatkan kabar bahwa Persyaratan Dukungan Terkait SSE di Edge Ditunda, hal tersebut karena tampaknya mereka masih memberikan penyesuaian pada Edge 126.
Nah bagi yang belum tahu, SSE3 diperkenalkan Intel pada tahun 2004 dan kemudian diikuti AMD setelahnya, Processor Intel yang paling awal menyertakan SSE3 adalah Pentium 4, Pentium D, Celeron D, dll, sementara AMD ada Opteron, Sempron, Athlon 64, dan lain-lain yang berbasis K8.
Dengan adanya Requirements SSE3 di Microsoft Edge, perangkat yang tidak memiliki intruksi set tersebut sudah tidak dapat lagi memperbarui browser mereka dan kini melalui rilis Microsoft Edge 128, akhirnya Microsoft menerapkan requirements tersebut.

Pada Edge 128.0.2739.42 yang dirilis kemarin, selain menghadirkan perbaikan pada High CPU ketika melakukan Selenium tests, menghadirkan requirements SSE3, Microsoft juga menghadirkan cukup banyak perubahan lain yang mencakup :
- Copilot browser Context Policies. The DiscoverPageContextEnabled policy is obsoleted in Microsoft Edge version 128 and doesn’t work after Microsoft Edge 127.
- To summarize and answer questions based on browser context in Microsoft Edge, Copilot needs to be able to access the browser context. We’re providing two new policies to offer more flexibility for admins to customize Edge browser context access across Copilot chats in Edge sidebar.
- CopilotPageContext – Control Copilot access to browser context for Microsoft Entra ID profiles.
- CopilotCDPPageContext – Control Copilot with Commercial Data Protection access to browser context for Microsoft Entra ID profiles.
- Deprecation of the followable web feature. To improve end user experience, the followable web feature is deprecated. The EdgeFollowEnabled policy is also obsolete.
- EnforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled policy obsoletion. The EnforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled policy was previously deprecated and is now obsolete in Edge version 128. Since Microsoft Edge 112, constraints in certificates loaded from the platform certificate store are enforced. The EnforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled policy existed as a temporary opt-out in case an enterprise encountered issues with the constraints encoded in their private roots.
- New Policy for Insecure Downloads over HTTP. Users that download potentially dangerous content on HTTP sites will receive a UI warning in a future Microsoft Edge version. To prepare for this change, the ShowDownloadsInsecureWarningsEnabled policy is now available for admins to enable or disable the warnings related to insecure downloads
- Edge Bar improvements. Edge Bar, the detachable version of the Edge sidebar in Windows 10, has a changed entry point from the gear icon at the bottom of the Edge sidebar’s fly out menu to the edge://settings/sidebar page.
- For Windows 11 and Windows 10 users, clicking the gear icon will now automatically open the edge://settings/sidebar page.
- Also, the ability for Edge Bar to start automatically when starting a Windows 10 device has been enabled again and the Close “X” icon has been moved below the ellipsis menu at the bottom right corner of Edge Bar.
- Disabling Edge Bar through the StandaloneHubsSidebarEnabled policy continues to work, there is a fix to make the UI and briefcase icon appear on the edge://settings/sidebar page coming very soon.
Nah selain itu, ada beberapa policies baru yang diperkenalkan yaitu :
- ApplicationBoundEncryptionEnabled – Enable Application Bound Encryption
- DynamicCodeSettings – Dynamic Code Settings
- ExtensionDeveloperModeSettings – Control the availability of developer mode on extensions page
- ExtensionExtendedBackgroundLifetimeForPortConnectionsToUrls – Configure a list of origins that grant an extended background lifetime to connecting extensions.
- KeyboardFocusableScrollersEnabled – Enable keyboard focusable scrollers
- ShowDownloadsInsecureWarningsEnabled – Enable insecure download warnings
Dan berikut adalah beberapa policies yang obsolete dan sudah tidak lagi digunakan.
- DiscoverPageContextEnabled – Enable Discover access to page contents for AAD profiles (obsolete)
- EnforceLocalAnchorConstraintsEnabled – Determines whether the built-in certificate verifier will enforce constraints encoded into trust anchors loaded from the platform trust store (deprecated)
- SiteSafetyServicesEnabled – Allow users to configure Site safety services (obsolete)
Dengan adanya requirements SSE3, tentunya perangkat yang telah berumur lebih dari 20 tahun sudah tidak dapat lagi mendapatkan pembaruan Microsoft Edge, namun jangan khawatir karena secara umum, prosesor dengan umur yang lebih muda atau 15 tahun kebelakang ini telah mendukung SSE3 didalamnya, sehingga kamu tidak perlu khawatir dengan adanya perubahan persyaratan ini.
Via : Microsoft