Update Microsoft Edge Insider Pertama tahun ini hadir untuk channel Dev, dimana versi yang dihadirkan adalah versi 110.0.1587.1 yang mana tersedia disemua platform, termasuk Windows, Android dan Mac.
Nah di versi ini, ada beberapa fitur baru yang dihadirkan, termasuk menambahkan API Experimental untuk permissions management pada WebView2, dan juga banyak perbaikan pada browser ini.
Dari banyaknya perbaikan dan peningkatan di versi ini, khusus untuk versi Android, Microsoft Edge kini mendapatkan peningkatan Adblock, serta menghadirkan opsi untuk mengubah wallpaper di halaman new tab.
“New Ad blocker feature now allows you to block ads with a long press.” tulis Microsoft dalam halaman release note Edge Dev 110.0.1587.1.
Oh iya kawan kawan, untuk kamu yang ingin mengaktifkan Adblock ini, sayangnya Adblock di Android tidak aktif secara default ya kawan kawan, namun perlu kita aktifkan terlebih dahulu dari halaman Edge Settings > Privacy > Block Ads.

Nah untuk kamu yang penasaran dari changelog lengkap Microsoft Edge Dev Build 110.0.1587.1, berikut adalah diantaranya.
- Android:
- New Ad blocker feature now allows you to block ads with a long press.
- Now you can change the wallpaper on the New Tab Page.
- WebView2:
- Added experimental Permission management API.
- Enterprise:
- New policy (Note: Updates to documentation and administrative templates may not have occurred yet)
- Print preview sticky setting policy.
- Touch Mode policy.
- Policy for disabling Immersive Readers Grammar Tools.
- New policy (Note: Updates to documentation and administrative templates may not have occurred yet)
Peningkatan dan Perbaikan
- Fixed browser crash related to out of memory condition when visiting certain shopping sites.
- Fixed browser crash related to invalid access in a vector on webpages.
- Fixed browser crash related to McAfee Drive Encryption.
- Fixed browser crash by disabling WebAuthn autofill functionality due to issue.
- macOS:
- Fixed browser crash when activating Fullscreen mode.
- iOS:
- Fixed browser crash when using the translator.
- Fixed browser crash when viewing New Tab Page.
- Android:
- Fixed browser crash when downloading a file.
- Enterprise:
- Fixed browser crash due to Conditional Access workflow retries too many times when remediation fails on Android.
- Fixed URLs not being added to the allow list when the flyout is dismissed on Website Typos protection.
- Fixed favicon not loading properly when installing a site as an app.
- Prevented browser window from staying open if it only contains a blank tab opened by ClickOnce interaction.
- Removed recently closed suggestions from the address bar so they will now persist instead only on the current browser session.
- Fixed cant expand or collapse Tab group while the Tab group menu is showing.
- ALT + S shortcut no longer triggers the screenshot functionality.
- Workspace sharing prompt will now close when clicking outside of the UI.
- Fixed Visual search button appearing outside the image when scrolling.
- iOS:
- Fixed cant swipe up on New Tab Page.
- Fixed page getting squished when using Split View on iPad.
- Fixed automatic profile switching issue where it keeps switching back to a Work profile from a personal profile.
- Fixed the issue when trying to sign in from Add account displaying a circle.
- Android:
- Fixed Add current page to Favorites button not showing after editing a favorite.
- WebView2:
- WebResourceResquested API promoted from experimental stage to public.
- Fixed DPI mismatch.
- Disabled native Windows Share option due to not working as expected on HoloLens and in UWP apps.
- Fixed custom rasterization scale bug. (#2918)
- Enterprise:
- Removed the ShadowStackCrashRollbackBehavior policy.
- Fixed focus fails to work involving showModalDialog and window.open in IE Mode workflows.
- Fixed an issue where visiting a URL that is on AllowListUrls policy causes to open a New InPrivate tab to a URL that is not on the AllowList on iOS.
Nah untuk kamu pengguna Microsoft Edge Dev, langsung saja perbarui browser kamu dengan masuk ke halaman edge://settings/help, kemudian pastikan kamu telah berada di versi 110.0.1587.1.
Untuk versi Android atau iOS, kamu bisa mendownload pembaruan langsung dari Google Play Store atau App Store di iOS.
Via : Microsoft