Mengawali bulan Mei 2021, Microsoft merilis versi baru Microsoft Edge Chromium Dev, hadir dengan versi 92.0.873.1, versi ini tentu membawa fitur baru, hanya saja fitur tersebut mungkin kurang familiar untuk pengguna biasa seperti kita.
Nah fitur baru ini adalah dukungan management policy untuk mengontrol jika Shared Array Buffer Unrestricted Access diijinkan, selain itu ada juga dukungan untuk management policy untuk mengontrol jika Headless mode diaktifkan, keduanya tentu bukan fitur umum untuk seluruh pengguna, namun untuk pada IT Admin, mungkin fitur ini akan bermanfaat untuk digunakan.
Selain dua fitur diatas, ada juga sejumlah perbaikan yang seperti biasa, kamu bisa melihatnya dari daftar changelog berikut.
- Fixed an issue where certain websites randomly crash.
- Fixed a crash when playing certain videos.
- Fixed a crash when sending feedback.
- Fixed an issue where opening a management popup like History multiple times via the keyboard shortcut sometimes opens the popup multiple times or crashes the browser.
- Fixed an issue where the browser sometimes is broken and cant navigate anywhere if multiple separate user accounts are logged into the device simultaneously.
- Fixed an issue where using Web Capture or Smart Copy sometimes crashes the browser.
- Fixed an issue where using controls like dropdown menus on webpages sometimes crashes them.
- Fixed an issue where the setting and the management policy to disable the password reveal button in password fields on webpages doesnt work.
- Fixed an issue where the management policy to Go To Intranet Site For Single Word Entry In Address Bar doesnt work.
- Fixed an issue where changes to saved passwords sometimes dont sync.
- Fixed an issue where notes or comments in Collections dont sync alongside the rest of the content.
- Fixed an issue where opening favorites from the Favorites management page sometimes fails.
- Fixed an issue where the prompt to restore tabs after opening the browser unexpectedly appears.
- Fixed an issue where selecting all text in a PDF sometimes doesnt actually select all text.
- Fixed an issue where the Vertical Tabs pane sometimes doesnt collapse.
- Fixed an issue where importing data from another browser sometimes misses some things.
- Fixed an issue where favicons in the Windows taskbar preview thumbnails that appear when you hover over a window icon on the taskbar sometimes arent correct.
- Fixed an issue where clicking on Taskbar shortcuts of pinned websites or websites installed as apps sometimes opens a window with a separate Taskbar icon instead of attaching the window to the existing one.
- Fixed an issue where Math Helper sometimes fails to load.
- Fixed an issue where the Web Widget is sometimes blank or black.
- Fixed an issue where Sleeping Tabs that arent supposed to be discarded sometimes are anyway.
- Fixed an issue where the back/forward navigation buttons sometimes dont work in Kids mode.
- Fixed an issue with exiting Kids Mode when the prompt to ask before closing the browser if multiple tabs are open is enabled in Settings.
Cukup banyak bukan?, dan tentu diversi ini hadir juga perbaikan mengenai masalah tombol navigasi yang kadang tidak bekerja ketika pengguna sedang mengaktifkan kids mode, jadi jika sebelumnya kamu mengalami masalah dengan fitur baru tersebut, kamu cukup direkomendasikan untuk mendapatkan versi baru ini.
Lalu selain itu, ada juga sejumlah known issues dan berikut adalah diantaranya.
- Certain extensions such as the Microsoft Editor extension dont work on Linux. As soon as theyre installed, they crash and are disabled. Were currently investigating.
- Users of certain ad blocking extensions may experience playback errors on Youtube. As a workaround, temporarily disabling the extension should allow playback to proceed. See this help article for more details.
- Some users are still running into an issue where all tabs and extensions immediately crash with a STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH error. The most common cause of this error is outdated security or antivirus software from vendors like Symantec, and in those cases, updating that software will fix it.
- Users of the Kaspersky Internet Suite who have the associated extension installed may sometimes see webpages like Gmail fail to load. This failure is due to the main Kaspersky software being out of date, and is thus fixed by making sure the latest version is installed.
- Some users are still seeing favorites get duplicated. This issue should be reduced now that automatic deduplication has been introduced into Insider channels, but were still rolling that out in Stable. Weve also seen duplication happen when running the manual deduplicator on multiple machines before either machine has a chance to fully sync its changes, so make sure to leave plenty of time in between runs of the deduplicator.
- Some users are seeing wobbling behavior when scrolling using trackpad gestures or touchscreens, where scrolling in one dimension also causes the page to subtly scroll back and forth in the other. Note that this only affects certain websites and seems to be worse on certain devices. This is most likely related to our ongoing work to bring scrolling back to parity with Edge Legacys behavior, so if this behavior is undesirable, you can temporarily turn it off by disabling the edge://flags/#edge-experimental-scrolling flag.
Seperti biasa, jika kamu ingin mendapatkan update ini, kamu bisa langsung saja meluncur ke halaman edge://settings/help kemudian update akan langsung berjalan secara otomatis.

Via : Microsoft