Cumulative update preview untuk bulan ini akhirnya dirilis Microsoft, dimana update yang dibagikan kali ini adalah update KB5035942 yang tentunya membawa cukup banyak peningkatan dan perbaikan.
Nah update KB5035942 ini sendiri akan mengubah Build OS menjadi 22621.3374 dan 22631.3374 tergantung apakah kamu menggunakan Windows 11 22H2 atau 23H2 dan kini sudah bisa kamu dapatkan dari halaman Settings > Windows updates.

Lalu apa sajakah peningkatan yang dihadirkan di update ini?, menurut informasi dari halaman release note update KB5035942 secara umum peningkatan yang dihadirkan merupakan fitur baru yang telah diperkenalkan di Moment 5 update (artikelnya bisa kamu baca pada halaman Microsoft Rilis Windows 11 “Moment 5” Update, Apa Saja Fitur Barunya?).
Nah bagi yang lupa nih, sebelumnya beberapa fitur di Moment 5 Update tersebut masih dirilis secara bertahap untuk mencegah adanya masalah kompatibilitas pada sistem pengguna, namun dengan update ini kini sudah bisa didapatkan semua pengguna.
Selain itu, bagian Lockscreen di Windows 11 juga kini diperbarui dengan penambahan konten Sports, traffic, dan finance seperti yang telah diumumkan melalui insider release preview minggu lalu.

Selain itu ada beberapa perbaikan lain mencakup perbaikan pada masalah bluetooth, search box yang error dan masih banyak lainnya, berikut adalah daftar apa saja yang diperbaiki di update ini :
- New! This update affects Windows Hello for Business. IT admins can now use mobile device management (MDM) to turn off the prompt that appears when users sign in to an Entra-joined machine. To do this, they can turn on the “DisablePostLogonProvisioning” policy setting. After a user signs in, provisioning is off for Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices.
- New! This update improves the Remote Desktop Session Host. You can now set up its “clipboard redirection” policy to work in a single direction from the local computer to the remote computer. You can also reverse that order.
- New! This update adds search highlights to the taskbar search box for the European Economic Area. To learn more, see Windows Search providers.Note This feature might not be available to all users because it will roll out gradually.
- This update supports daylight saving time (DST) changes in Greenland. To learn more, see Greenland 2023 time zone update now available.
- This update supports DST changes in Kazakhstan. To learn more, see Interim guidance for Kazakhstan time zone changes 2024.
- This update supports DST changes in Samoa. To learn more, see Interim guidance for Samoa DST changes 2021.
- This update affects MSIX applications. It helps their UI to localize correctly for all languages when you upgrade your OS.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the COM+ component. Some applications that depend on it stop responding.
- This update addresses an issue that stops some apps and features from being available. This occurs after you upgrade to Windows 11.
- This update addresses a deadlock issue in CloudAP. It occurs when different users sign in and sign out at the same time on virtual machines.
- This update addresses an issue that affects a network resource. You cannot access it from a Remote Desktop session. This occurs when you turn on the Remote Credential Guard feature and the client is Windows 11, version 22H2 or higher.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Containers that you create or deploy. Their status does not progress past “ContainerCreating.”
- This update addresses an issue that affects the time service. You can configure it using mobile device management (MDM) or a Group Policy Object (GPO). But the Windows Settings app does not match what you have configured.
- This update addresses an issue that affects certain Neural Processing Units (NPU). They do not show in Task Manager.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the touch keyboard and the candidate window for the Japanese and Chinese Input Method Editors (IME). They do not show after you come out of Modern Standby. To learn more, see Microsoft Japanese IME and What is Modern Standby.
- This update addresses an issue that occurs when you use LoadImage() to loada top-down bitmap. If the bitmap has a negative height, the image does not load and the function returns NULL.
- This update makes Country and Operator Settings Asset (COSA) profiles up to date for some mobile operators.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Notepad. It fails to print to certain Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) printers when you use a print support app.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC). It prevents a stop error that occurs when you apply more than 32 policies.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the existing AppLocker rule collection enforcement mode. It is not overwritten when rules merge with a collection that has no rules. This occurs when the enforcement mode is set to “Not Configured.”
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Group Policy service. It fails after you use LGPO.exe to apply an audit policy to the system.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Secure Launch. It does not run on some processors.
- This update addresses a reliability issue. It affects a Virtual Remote App product when you use a custom shell to open it.
- This update addresses an issue that affects some wireless headphones. Bluetooth connections are not stable. This occurs on devices that have firmware from April 2023 and later.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Transport Layer Security (TLS), version 1.3. It causes Azure App Services to fail. This occurs when the web server attempts to connect to a third-party Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.
- This update addresses an issue that affects dsamain.exe. When the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) runs evaluations, it stops responding.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) PowerShell module. It does not load.
Untuk changelog lengkap kamu bisa langsung saja meluncur ke halaman berikut, namun yang pasti, untuk mendapatkan update ini kamu bisa langsung meluncur ke halaman Settings > Windows Update > kemudian download dan install preview update yang tersedia disana.