Sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan Microsoft, minggu ini para pengguna Windows 11 Insider Beta mendapatkan pembaruan baru dimana update yang dihadirkan adalah update KB5022914.
Update ini seperti biasa tersedia bagi dua Build Windows 11 22H2, dimana itu mencakup Build 22621 dan 22623, dan ketika update ini diinstall, Build OS akan berubah menjadi 22621.1325 & Build 22623.1325 untuk masing masing build.
Oke, membahas peningkatan yang dihadirkan melalui update ini, Microsoft kini sudah mulai meluncurkan dukungan Widget Preview untuk sejumlah aplikasi seperti Messenger, Spotify, Phone Link dan Xbox untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Beta Channel, dimana dukungan ini, pengguna bisa mendapatkan lebih banyak Widget yang bervariasi untuk digunakan.
Sementara itu, untuk kamu para developer, mengingat Microsoft sudah merilis Windows App SDK 1.2, kamu sudah bisa membuat Widget dari aplikasi kamu, untuk selanjutnya dihadirkan di Widget Windows 11, dokumentasinya bisa kamu lihat dalam halaman berikut.
Selain hadirnya dukungan Widget di Windows 11 Insider Beta, khusus untuk pengguna Windows 11 Insider Build 22623, ada sejumlah perubahan lain yang mana mana mencakup :
- Hadirnya AI-powered recommended content di Start Menu, khusus kamu pengguna yang terhubung dengan Azure Active Directory (AAD).
- Perbaikan Taskbar yang error setelah perubahan resolusi layar.
Sedangkan itu, ada perbaikan lain yang hadir untuk kedua Build, baik 22621 dan 22623, dimana itu mencakup:
- We fixed compatibility issues that affected some printers. Those printers used Windows Graphical Device Interface (GDI) printer drivers. Those drivers did not completely adhere to GDI specifications.
- We fixed a reliability issue that occurred when you used Task View.
- We fixed an issue that affected copying from a network to a local drive. Copying was slower than expected for some users.
- We provided support for the United Mexican States daylight-saving time change order for 2023.
- We fixed a date information issue. It affected the format of dates sent between Windows and some versions of the Heimdal Kerberos library.
- We fixed an issue that affected provisioning packages. They failed to apply in certain circumstances when elevation was required.
- We fixed an issue that affected which folders appeared in the Browse for Folder picker.
- We fixed an issue that affected File Explorer. When you used Shift + Tab or Shift + F6, the input focus did not move.
- We fixed an issue that affected the user interface (UI). The volume up and volume down commands from a Bluetooth keyboard did not display.
- We improved the reliability of Windows after you installed an update.
- We fixed an issue that might have affected lsass.exe. It might have stopped responding when it sent a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) query to a domain controller that had a very large LDAP filter.
- We fixed an issue that affected Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Using a provisioning package for bulk provisioning failed.
- We fixed an issue that affected the software keyboard. It did not appear in the Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE) after a Push-button reset (factory reset). This type of reset required an external keyboard to be attached to provide credentials.
- We fixed an issue that affected AppV. It stopped file names from having the correct letter case (uppercase or lowercase).
- We fixed an issue that affected Universal Prints Configuration Service Provider (CSP). A command prompt window appeared when you installed a printer.
- We fixed an issue that might have affected the touch keyboard and the PIN entry keyboard. You might not have been able to use them to enter text when you signed in to your device.
- We fixed an issue that displayed a blue screen during video playback. This occurred after you set high dynamic range (HDR) on your display.
- We fixed an issue that affected parity virtual disks. Using Server Manager to create them failed
- We fixed an issue that affected IE mode. The text on the status bar was not always visible.
- We fixed an issue that affected the Color filters setting. When you selected Inverted, the system set it to Grayscale instead.
- We fixed an issue that affected Microsoft Edge. The issue removed conflicting policies for Microsoft Edge. This occurred when you set the MDMWinsOverGPFlag in a Microsoft Intune tenant and Intune detected a policy conflict.
- We fixed an issue that affected the Appx State Repository. When you removed a user profile, the cleanup was incomplete. Because of that, its database grew as time passes. This growth might have caused delays when users signed in to multi-user environments like FSLogix.
Nah jadi khusus untuk kamu para pengguna Windows 11 Insider Beta, ada baiknya kamu memperbarui system kamu ke Build terbaru ini untuk mendapatkan dukungan Widget Third Party baru dan variasi perbaikan yang juga hadir di Build ini.
Kamu bisa langsung saja meluncur ke halaman Settings > Windows Update > Check for updates, kemudian Download dan install Update KB5022914 yang tersedia disana.
Via : Microsoft