Microsoft baru baru ini telah merilis update KB5032286 untuk para pengguna Windows 11 Insider Beta. Dengan update ini, build OS akan berubah menjadi 22635.2841 yang tentu bersamaan dengan berubahnya build ada sejumlah hal penting yang harus kamu tahu.
Yang pertama, sebelum kita lanjutkan perlu kamu tahu bahwa fitur yang dihadirkan di insider beta mungkin akan berbeda, yaitu untuk pengguna yang mengaktifkan opsi “get the latest updates as they are available” dan yang tidak.

Khusus Pengguna Dengan Opsi Diaktifkan
Untuk pengguna yang mengaktifkan opsi tersebut, mulai build ini Step recorder akan menampilkan banner notifikasi yang akan memberikan sejumlah opsi alternatif seperti Xbox Game Bar atau Snipping Tools. Kenapa Step Recorder menampilkan banner notifikasi? nah bagi yang belum tahu, Step Recorder sudah tidak akan lagi mendapatkan pembaruan dan direncanakan akan dihapus di rilis windows selanjutnya.
Baca Juga : Microsoft Resmi Matikan Fitur Steps Recorder!
Selain adanya banner notifikasi di aplikasi Step Recorder, ada peningkatan baru pada Nearby Sharing, dimana ketika kamu mengaktifkan Nearby Sharing di Quick Settings atau dari halaman Settings, Wi-Fi dan Bluetooth akan otomatis diaktifkan untuk memastikan fitur Nearby Sharing ini dapat berjalan.
Baca Juga : Cara Menggunakan Fitur Nearby Share di Windows 11
Selanjutnya ada perbaikan tambahan yang hadir di Task Manager, diantaranya mencakup :
- Did some work to help improve the performance when expanding the navigation pane in Task Manager.
- Fixed an issue which was causing a Task Manager crash when changing Always on Top mode.
- Fixed an issue where the dropdowns in settings would float up the screen if you scrolled.
Untuk Semua Pengguna, Baik Mengaktifkan Opsi atau Tidak
Nah mulai Build ini, Widget Board akan mendapatkan pengaturan baru yang akan memudahkan pengguna untuk mengatur Widget Board Experience mereka, dalam pengaturan baru ini pengguna bisa menampilkan atau menyembunyikan feeds dan lainnya.

Selain itu pengguna juga bisa mempersonalisasi konten di Widget Board dari Microsoft Start, yang kamu butuhkan hanya login menggunakan akun Microsoft dan mulai mempersonalisasi feed yang kamu inginkan.
Dipindahnya opsi Optional features, nah selain itu mulai Build ini opsi Optional features yang sebelumnya ada dibagian Settings > Apps, kini dipindah ke Settings > System.
Selain itu, ada sejumlah perbaikan penting yang mencakup :
- New! You can use Copilot in Windows with ALT + Tab. When you press ALT +Tab, the thumbnail preview for Copilot in Windows appears among other thumbnail previews of open windows. You can switch between them using the Tab keystroke.
- New! You can use Copilot in Windows across multiple displays. Press the Copilot in Windows taskbar button on the taskbar of the display where you want Copilot in Windows to appear. To show Copilot in Windows on the last display that it was on, press WIN + C. If you use a keyboard, press WIN + T to put the keyboard focus on the taskbar. Then go to the Copilot in Windows button to open it on any display.
- New! In the coming weeks, you might see Windows Spotlight set as the default background. This might occur when your background is set to an inbox Windows image.
- This update addresses an issue that might affect the cursor when you write in Japanese. The cursor might move to an unexpected place.
- This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer. The options in the left pane show the wrong state.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Remote Desktop web authentication. This issue might stop you from connecting to sovereign cloud endpoints.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Settings. It stops responding after you turn off Device Encryption.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the cursor. Its movement lags in some screen capture scenarios.
- This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer windows. When you do not expect them, they appear in the foreground.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Windows Sandbox. If the locale of your machine is not US English, File Explorer stops responding.
- This update addresses an issue that affects File Explorer. When you press Shift + F10, the shortcut (context) menu does not open.
- This update affects the shortcut (context) menu. Its performance is now better when you open it on the desktop and in File Explorer.
- This update addresses an issue that affects .RAR files. They display as if they are empty in File Explorer.
- This update addresses an issue that causes IE mode to stop responding. This occurs when you have multiple IE mode tabs open.
- This update addresses an issue that affects IE mode. A webpage stops working as expected when there is an open modal dialog.
- This update addresses an issue that causes IE mode to stop responding. This occurs if you press the left arrow key when an empty text box has the focus and caret (cursor) browsing is on.
- This update addresses an issue that affects 32-bit GDI based applications. They stop responding. This occurs when they run on 64-bit Windows OSs that use more than 2 GB of memory.
- This update addresses an issue that affects apps that you download from Microsoft Store. They stop responding and will not update.
- This update addresses an issue that affects hardware that uses the PresentAt feature. Power use grows when you play a video in full screen.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Copilot in Windows icon on the taskbar. It does not show as active when Copilot in Windows is open.
- This update improves how fast Copilot in Windows opens from the taskbar.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Trusted Sites Zone logon policy. You cannot manage it using mobile device management (MDM).
- This update affects Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE). It enables Conditional Access (CA) scenarios.
- This update affects the Netherlands time zone. It adds the recent man-made landmass outside of Rotterdam to the shape files.
- This update addresses a leak in volatile notifications. This might stop you from signing in to your machine.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) decoder. It does not work well on some websites that set the wrong input sampling rate.
- This update addresses an issue that affects remote direct memory access (RDMA) performance counters. They did not return networking data on VMs in the right way.
- This update addresses an issue that stops you from reconnecting to an existing Remote Desktop session. Instead, you get a new one.
- This update addresses an issue that affects Windows LAPS. Its PasswordExpirationProtectionEnabled policy fails to turn on the setting.
- This update addresses app cursor issues. The cursor changes from a hand to a cursor when it should not, or the cursor disappears. These issues occur when apps use the WebView2Standalone XAML control.
- This update addresses an issue that might affect Microsoft OneNote. When you use a pen right-click to open it, that might fail.
- This update affects Dynamic Lighting. It reduces the amount of power it uses on your device.
- This update addresses an issue that affects certain PCs. It stops them from downloading speech recognition packages.
Nah selain itu ada sejumlah known issues baru yang diantaranya mencakup :
- [NEW] The Microsoft 365, Outlook Calendar, and To Do widgets get stuck in an error state when the Microsoft Start feed is disabled.
- [NEW] You may experience a loading delay when the Microsoft Start feed is reenabled.
- [NEW] Announcements from the Microsoft Start feed are still shown on the taskbar after the feed is hidden.
- [NEW] The Widgets Board should automatically close and reopen when enabling or disabling feeds.
- [NEW] Keyboard navigation from settings subpages back to the top-level Settings page is broken.
- [NEW] Incorrect spacing and fonts used in some settings pages.
Dan meskipun ada sejumlah known issues termasuk adanya spacing dan font yang tidak benar di halaman Settings, namun ada cukup banyak perbaikan lain yang juga dihadirkan. Jadi untuk kamu yang saat ini menggunakan Windows 11 Insider Beta, kamu bisa langsung saja memperbarui sistem kamu ke Build ini.
Update KB5032286 ini sendiri sudah bisa kamu dapatkan melalui halaman Settings > Windows Update > Check for updates.
Via : Microsoft