Selain memiliki perubahan dalam segi tampilan, Windows 11 juga memiliki mekanisme baru jika ingin mengubah default aplikasi. Jadi pengguna bisa memilih secara individu default aplikasi yang diinginkan, berdasarkan tipe file yang ada — hal ini juga berlaku pada pengaturan default browser.
Jadi pada pengaturan default browser, tipe file seperti HTM, HTML, PDF, SHTML, SVG, WEBP, SHT, FTP, HTTP, dan HTTPS bisa kamu pilih secara individual sesuai dengan browser yang kamu inginkan.
Tampaknya, perubahan ini mendapat banyak kritikan, tidak hanya dari pengguna, tetapi juga dari browser pesaing Microsoft Edge seperti Brave, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, dan Vivadi.
Tidak hanya itu, Widgets di Windows 11 juga mengabaikan pengaturan default apps dan malah membuka Edge. Hal ini berdasarkan statement yang diberikan dari pihak browser Brave melalui The Verge:
It appears that Windows 11 widgets will ignore a user’s default browser choice and open Microsoft Edge for the content instead,
Brave puts users first and we condemn this Windows 11 approach, because the choice of a default browser has many implications for individuals and their privacy. Users should be free to choose.
Hal senada juga datang dari pihak Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi, dan Chrome. Mengatakan bahwa pengaturan baru ini sangat mengganggu.
Statement Firefox melalui Senior Vice President, Selena Deckelmann:
We have been increasingly worried about the trend on Windows,
Since Windows 10, users have had to take additional and unnecessary steps to set and retain their default browser settings. These barriers are confusing at best and seem designed to undermine a user’s choice for a non-Microsoft browser.
Statement Opera melalui kepala program, Krystian Kolondra:
It’s very unfortunate when a platform vendor is obscurifying a common use case to improve the standing of their own product,
We would like to encourage all platform vendors to respect user choice and allow competition on their platforms. Taking away user choice is a step backwards.
Statement dari perwakilan Vivaldi:
Microsoft has a history of doing this, and it seems they are getting progressively worse,
With every new version of Windows, it is getting harder [to change defaults]. They understand that the only way they can get people to use their browsers is to lock them in.
Statement Google Chrome melalui Senior Vice President, Hiroshi Lockheimer:
This from the company that claims to be the most open, with “the most choice.” I hope this is just a developer preview thing, and the shipping version of Windows 11 lives up to their claims. This is far from “choice.”
Hingga saat ini, belum ada statement dari Microsoft dalam menanggapi kritikan ini. Tetapi mengingat Windows 11 masih dalam tahap pengembangan, bisa saja nantinya pengaturan ini akan berubah lagi, tergantung dari Microsoft dan feedback yang diberikan oleh anggota Windows Insider.
Source: The Verge