Sebuah kabar menarik untuk kamu para pengguna iOS dan Mac, terlebih jika kamu adalah seorang pengguna aplikasi Microsoft Remote Desktop untuk kedua system operasi tersebut.
Dilansir dari WinAero, pada Remote Desktop Mobile for iOS versi 10.3.2, ada sejumlah fitur baru yang dihadirkan, dan itu mencakup beberapa peningkatan penting yang memang cukup wajib untuk pengguna dapatkan, salah satunya adalah Auto-expanded search field di iPads. Pull-to-refresh behavior for subscribed workspaces, kemampuan untuk duplicate PC bookmarks, dan beberapa fitur penting lainnya yang dapat kamu lihat pada daftar dibawah ini.
- Additional two-column thumbnail view for larger iPhones.
- Revamped PC thumbnail styling.
- Cleaned up PC bookmark list view (only available on iPhones).
- Press-and-hold semantics for PC bookmarks and workspace headers.
- New context menus for interaction with PC bookmarks and workspaces.
- Ability to duplicate PC bookmarks.
- Full preview of the PC bookmark thumbnail after a press-and-hold.
- New pull-down menu for interaction with the Connection Center.
- Pull-to-refresh behavior for subscribed workspaces.
- Animated sorting of PC bookmarks by name or last connected time.
- Auto-expanded search field on iPads.
- In addition, we added support for Vietnamese keyboards and addressed some bugs that were showing up in our crash telemetry.
Sedangkan untuk Mac, pada versi 10.6.8 yang dirilis bersamaan dengan versi Mobile, ada sejumlah penintkatan yang dapat dikatakan lebih banyak dibandingkan versi Mobile, salah satunya adalah kemampuan background refresh for subscribed workspaces, ditambahkannya sebuah checkbox, pada General Preferences to enable/disable Microsoft Teams optimizations, dan beberapa fitur penting lainnya yang dapat kamu lihat pada daftar dibawah ini.
- Added background refresh for subscribed workspaces.
- Fixed an issue where the session window may jump to another monitor when auto-reconnect kicks in.
- Fixed an issue where the session window would sometimes be enlarged after connecting.
- Addressed an issue where the name of a redirected folder would be incorrect in the remote session.
- Fixed a bug that made it difficult to resize remote app windows.
- Improved the error messages that are displayed when user accounts fail to update.
- Fixed an issue where window titles in the list of connected remote apps were blank.
- Addressed a multimon issue where the mouse cursor shape would not update correctly when dragging between monitors.
- Added a checkbox to General Preferences to enable/disable Microsoft Teams optimizations.
- Added UI to report if a remote app could not be launched on the server due to not being on the system allow list.
- Fixed an issue where the session window could not be made wider when placed at the top or bottom of the screen.
- Addressed scenarios where the mouse cursor would disappear while connected to a remote PC.
- Deletion of an Azure Virtual Desktop workspace now correctly removes all associated workspaces.
- Fixed an issue where adding a folder to redirect to a bookmark would enable the “Add” button with an empty PC name.
- Addressed an issue where double-clicking the title bar incorrectly stretched the session window.
- Updated the mouse to change to a hand glyph when hovering over a red input error indicator.
- Fixed an issue where the session window would flash rapidly in the “Mission Control” or “Application windows” view.
Untuk kamu yang menggunakan iOS, dan Mac, sekaligus pengguna aplikasi Microsoft Remote Desktop, kamu tentu wajib memperbarui aplikasi tersebut untuk mendapatkan sejumlah fitur dan perbaikan yang ditawarkan seperti pada daftar diatas.
Nah apakah kamu sudah update? komen dibawah guys.
Via : WinAero