Seperti biasa Microsoft selalu merilis update untuk pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel, dan minggu ini Microsoft merilis Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20241 dimana bukan hanya perbaikan saja yang hadir dalam build ini, melainkan membawa sebuah perubahan baru yang mungkin menarik untuk kamu selaku pengguna Windows 10.
Theme-aware Splash Screens
Yap itulah salah satu hal baru di Build ini, dimana jika kamu perhatikan setiap aplikasi UWP yang diluncurkan akan menampilkan splash screen sesuai dengan tema yang digunakan. Misalkan jika light theme diaktifkan, splash screen akan menampilkan warna putih yang dominan.

Sedangkan jika dark theme diaktifkan akan menampilkan splash screen berwarna hitam yang dominan.

Terkait theme-aware splash screens ini, hanya beberapa aplikasi saja yang dilaporkan sudah mendukung perubahan ini dan diantara adalah:
- Settings
- Store
- Windows Security
- Alarms & Clock
- Calculator
- Maps
- Voice Recorder
- Groove
- Movies & TV
- Snip & Sketch
- Microsoft ToDo
- Office
- Feedback Hub
- Microsoft Solitaire Collection
Untuk sementara aplikasi yang mendukung memang hanya aplikasi buatan Microsoft saja, namun kedepannya tentu akan banyak aplikasi yang mendukung theme-aware splash screens ini.
Peningkatan Defrag Experience
Salah satu hal baru lainnya adalah terkait defrag experience, dimana fitur ini sekarang hanya diluncurkan untuk sebagain pengguna Insider Dev Channel saja, fitur ini dikatakan telah menambah beberapa fitur dan opsi baru pada halaman Settings > System > Storage > Optimize Drives, dengan penambahan “Advanced View” Checkbox pada semua volume termasuk Hidden volume, ada juga dukungan F5 untuk Refresh, dan beberapa detail baru pada kolom “Current Status”.
- Adding a new Advanced View checkbox to list all volumes including hidden volumes. Please note were still getting this one up and running, so youll see the checkbox in this build, but may not notice any differences when you click it.
- Listing more details in the Current status column when volumes are not available for defrag (for example, Partition type not supported and File system type not supported).
- Adding support for pressing F5 to refresh.
Seperti biasa, ada sejumlah perbaikan yang hadir di Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 20241 ini, dan bagi kamu yang penasaran, berikut adalah changelog lengkap-nya.
Changes and Improvements
- To help ensure Narrator users are aware of notifications on the screen, if a high priority notification appears while the computer is locked and stays on the screen, we will now also read it out when unlocking your PC and not just at arrival time.
- Were removing the Japanese Address and Rinna candidate suggestion services from the Japanese IME thank you Windows Insiders whove shared feedback on them.
- We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders experiencing APC_INDEX_MISMATCH bugchecks in recent builds.
- We fixed an issue where scrolling and pinch to zoom were not working correctly on devices with touch such as the Surface Pro X, Surface Pro 7 and others.
- We fixed an issue where selecting an IME candidate or hardware keyboard text prediction candidate was sometimes inserting the candidate adjacent to the one selected.
- We fixed an issue where new applications will fail to install with a Windows Installer service error on x86 systems.
- We fixed an issue where when attempting to perform a Reset this PC using the Keep My Files option will fail with the error, There was a problem resetting your PC. No changes were made.
- We fixed an issue where robocopy wouldnt preserve the directory dates when using the move command.
- We fixed a high hitting dwm.exe crash from the last few flights.
- We fixed an issue resulting in the System Information window (msinfo32) crashing on launch.
- We fixed an issue resulting in the System Information window (msinfo32) unexpectedly having a blank icon in the taskbar.
- We fixed an issue that could result in Bitlocker encryption failing with error 0x803100b2.
- We fixed an issue resulting in flickering in certain apps when the media controls pop-up was visible on screen and you moved your mouse.
- We fixed an issue resulting in the screen flickering on certain devices when accessing the power options on the login screen.
- We fixed a recent issue where closing a tab in Microsoft Edge while Task Manager was up and running could result in Task Manager crashing.
- We fixed an issue resulting in some Insiders seeing a Sorry, something went wrong message when running through the workflow to improve recognition for Windows Hello Face.
- We fixed an issue from recent builds where if Settings was open when the PC went into hibernation, connected pens may fail to reconnect until Bluetooth was toggled off and back on.
- We fixed an issue that could result in Windows Sandbox showing a 0x80070003 error.
- We fixed an issue where a non-functional link to Rename your PC was displaying for non-admin users on the Projecting to this PC page in Settings.
- We fixed an issue where the Activation page in Settings would crash if you navigated to it recently while not connected to the internet.
- We fixed an issue in Printers & Scanners Settings, where clicking the Get App button available for some printers was resulting in Settings crashing recently.
- We fixed an issue where clicking the Copy button under View hardware and connection properties in Network Settings would result in extraneous lines saying Proxy Auto Detect appearing on the settings page.
- We fixed an issue impacting certain VPN connections, where clicking the entry in the Network flyout wasnt doing anything.
- We fixed an issue that could result in Windows updates failing with error 0xc0000005.
- We fixed an issue that could result in windows.old being unexpectedly large for some Insiders.
- We fixed an issue resulting in the new gesture to control the text cursor position using the spacebar on the touch keyboard wasnt working for some Insiders.
- We fixed an issue that could result in Internet Explorer crashing when typing certain combinations into websites with the Dayi IME.
- We fixed an issue where incorrect characters were being inserted into passwords fields when typing using the Japanese IME in Kana mode.
- We fixed an issue where when using the previous version of the Japanese IME, if you set the IME to off mode during a composition, then immediately starting typing, it could result in the underlying app crashing.
Known Issues
- Were looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
- Live previews for pinned sites arent enabled for all Insiders yet, so you may see a grey window when hovering over the thumbnail in the taskbar. Were continuing to work on polishing this experience.
- Were working on enabling the new taskbar experience for existing pinned sites. In the meantime, you can unpin the site from the taskbar, remove it from the edge://apps page, and then re-pin the site.
- Were working on a fix for an issue causing some devices experiencing a KMODE_EXCEPTION bugcheck when using certain virtualization technologies.
- Were looking into reports where some devices are still experiencing a DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION bugcheck after taking build 20236.
- Were investigating reports that some devices are receiving a DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bugcheck on tcpip.sys.
- Were working on a fix where after taking build 20236 devices running Malwarebytes Web Protection are no longer able to connect to the network. Users can roll back to 20231 and pause updates or disable Web Protection as a workaround.
- Were investigating an issue reported by some Insiders wherein the taskbar is obscuring the Power button in the Start menu. If this is happening on your PC, you may need to use the Windows key plus X menu to shutdown for the time being.
- Were investigating GPU Compute scenarios, such as using CUDA and DirectML, not working inside of the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).
- Windows Insiders on ARM PCs such as the Surface Pro X will notice that Windows PowerShell will fail to launch on this build. As a workaround, please use Windows PowerShell (x86) or Windows PowerShell ISE (x86) from the Start menu if you need to use PowerShell. Or download the new and modern PowerShell 7 which takes advantage of ARM by running natively. Plus the icon is prettier.
Nah bagaimana menurutmu mengenai perubahan baru di Windows 10 Build 20241 ini?, untuk kamu pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel yang menggunakan Windows 10 Build 20241, kamu bisa mendapatkan update ini via Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.
Silahkan berikan pendapat dan opinimu mengenai perubahan baru di Windows 10 Build 20241 dikolom komentar dibawah.
Via : Microsoft