Awal tahun ini kita telah melaporkan bahwa Next gen of Windows akan didukung oleh AI, dimana seperti yang diungkapkan Panos Panay (sebelum akhirnya keluar dari Microsoft), bahwa AI akan diintegrasikan secara penuh dalam system baru dari Windows tersebut.
“AI is going to reinvent how you do everything on Windows, quite literally. Like these large generative models, think language models, code gen models, image models; these models are so powerful, so delightful, so useful, personal. But they are also very compute intensive, and so we haven’t been able to do this before. We have never seen these intense workloads at this scale before, and they’re right here. It’s gonna need an operating system that blurs the line between cloud and edge, and that’s what we are doing right now,”
Nah waktu berlalu, tidak terasa kini telah masuk ke Q4 tahun 2023, dimana bersamaan dengan diungkapkannya next generations PC chip Snapdragon X Elite yang dimaksudkan untuk menjadi saingannya Apple Silicon, Microsoft bersaman Qualcomm berbicara tentang apa arti Snapdragon X Elite, dan NPU secara umum untuk masa depan Windows.
Namun ada hal yang menarik, sementara banyak percakapan mereka tidak jelas, tanpa demo atau penyebutan spesifik tentang “Windows 12” kedua eksekutif yaitu CEO Satya Nadella dan CVP Windows + Devices Pavan Davuluri sedikit mengungkit mengenai beberapa fitur yang sedang dikerjakan untuk versi Windows berikutnya.
Pada dasarnya, AI akan menjadi bagian penting dari system Windows, dimana itu akan mengubah cara pengguna berinteraksi dengan komputer yang pengguna gunakan.
“Gen AI has the potential to be as big as the mobile revolution, the cloud revolution, the web and PC, that class. I think fundamentally if you think about what the dream of computing always was, can you make interfaces much more human-friendly, much more natural? Can you augment human capability with computing? It starts with language, but it’s quickly going beyond that. That will fundamentally change what an OS is, what a UI looks like, how application interaction goes. So UI change is always big, and this is a big UI change.”
Ungkap Satya Nadela dilansir dari Windows Central
“The other one is we now have a new reasoning engine. Anytime you use something like Github Copilot, it gives you a completely new thing to have an assistant you can reason about and help you create. So with these two things, a reasoning engine and a new natural UI, pretty much all software categories can be changed.”
Nah beberapa hal yang di highlight dari event tersebut yang mengungkap apa saja yang akan hadir di Windows 12 dimana itu mencakup :
- The user interface of operating systems and people’s interactions with applications will undergo a fundamental transformation as a result of artificial intelligence.
- The Copilot assistant helps in reasoning and creating various things. With the reasoning engine and a natural user interface developers can create a new generation of software of nearly all types.
- The future versions of Windows will heavily rely on hybrid computing. While certain AI functions will be processed locally using NPUs, more complex tasks will get additional computing power from the cloud.
- A brand-new generation of computers embedded with artificial intelligence is presently being developed.
- Copilot works just like the Start button. Simply opening it and stating your desire is enough. Copilot will either respond to your query or open the desired application.
- Hybrid AI apps will have the ability to offer improved levels of privacy, cost reduction, reduced latency, optimized performance, and personalized experiences.
- The use of hybrid computing will aid Microsoft in cutting server costs and minimizing its carbon footprint.
- Microsoft aims to establish Windows as the operating system with the most advanced capabilities for working with artificial intelligence.
- In the future, AI will be capable of managing many various apps, services, and devices, acting as an assistant that can establish and maintain context across all work tasks. Perhaps Microsoft Copilot will have the ability to learn user habits and become an even more useful tool.
- Snapdragon X Elite and Windows 11 will deliver faster performance, and application emulation will be more efficient.
- Microsoft is highly confident that the majority of top applications will seamlessly run either natively or through efficient emulation on the Snapdragon X Elite.
Pada umumnya, AI akan menjadi highlight utama dari Windows 12, dimana dengan AI, akan membantu pengguna dalam berbagai hal termasuk mengelola berbagai aplikasi dan layanan. Apalagi dengan bantuan dari processor Snapdragon X Elite yang akan menghadirkan kinerja lebih cepat dan efisien.
Namun pertanyaannya apakah intergrasi AI ini akan memberatkan system? dan mengubah system requirements dari Windows 12?
Mengenai hal tersebut sayangnya belum ada informasi mendetail, namun yang pasti untuk menjalankan Windows 12 dan mendapatkan pengalaman paling mulus, pengguna setidaknya harus menggunakan perangkat dengan chipset paling baru, seperti contohnya Snapdragon X Elite yang dengan chipset tersebut Microsoft sangat yakin bahwa sebagian besar aplikasi teratas akan berjalan mulus baik secara native atau melalui emulasi yang efisien pada Snapdragon X Elite.
Era AI kini memang telah mencapai puncaknya, dimana AI mulai diintegrasikan kedalam berbagai hal termasuk system operasi, namun bagaimanapun saya masih cukup penasaran mengenai apa saja hal yang baru dan akan hadir di Windows 12 yang direncanakan akan dirilis tahun depan ini. Bagaimana menurutmu? komen dibawah guys.
Via : Windows Central