Beberapa waktu lalu para pengguna Insider Release Preview yang menggunakan Windows 10 21H2 atau Build 19044 telah mendapatkan update KB5011831, dimana dengan update ini, Build OS akan diperbarui ke nomor 19044.1679.
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Menariknya, didlam pembaruan ini ada sejumlah peningkatan dan perbaikan, salah satunya adalah adanya peningkatan pada secure boot, perbaikan pada OS Startup delay dan masalah lainnya.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, kamu bisa melihat changelog berikut:
- New! We added improvements for servicing the Secure Boot component of Windows.
- We changed the timeout for Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) registration from 60 minutes to 90 minutes for hybrid Azure AD-joined Autopilot scenarios. This also addresses a race condition that causes an exception at timeout.
- We fixed an issue that causes a remote desktop session to close or a reconnection to stop responding while waiting on the accessibility shortcut handler (sethc.exe).
- We fixed an issue that delays OS startup by approximately 40 minutes.
- We fixed an issue that incorrectly returns Execution Policy settings from the registry.
- We fixed an issue that causes Internet Explorer to stop working when you copy and paste text using an Input Method Editor (IME).
- We fixed an issue that displays a black screen for some users when they sign in or sign out.
- We fixed an issue that causes Kerberos authentication to fail, and the error is 0xc0030009 (RPC_NT_NULL_REF_POINTER). This occurs when a client machine attempts to use the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect to another machine while Remote Credential Guard is enabled.
- We fixed an issue that prevents you from changing a password that has expired when you sign in to a Windows device.
- We fixed an issue that might cause Windows to stop working when you apply a Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) policy that doesnt require a restart.
- We fixed an issue that might fail to copy the security portion of a Group Policy to a machine.
- We fixed an issue that causes the Key Distribution Center (KDC) code to incorrectly return the error message KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED during domain controller shutdown.
- We fixed an issue that might prevent graphics processing unit (GPU) load balancing over Remote Desktop from working as intended.
- We fixed an issue that prevents the instantiation of the Microsoft RDP Client Control, version 11 and higher, inside a Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) dialog.
- We fixed an issue that might cause a Microsoft OneDrive file to lose focus after you rename it and press the Enter key.
- We fixed an issue that causes the news and interest panel to appear when you havent clicked, tapped, or moused over it.
- We fixed an issue that fails to pass the Shift KeyUp event to an application when you use the Korean IME.
- We fixed an issue that might occur when you use Netdom.exe or the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in to list or modify name suffixes routing. These procedures might fail. The error message is, Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. This issue occurs after installing the January 2022 security update on the primary domain controller emulator (PDCe).
- We fixed an issue that displays the wrong IME mode indicator when the Font Mitigation policy is enabled.
- We fixed an issue that causes the primary domain controller (PDC) of the root domain to generate warning and error events in the System log. This issue occurs when the PDC incorrectly tries to scan outgoing-only trusts.
- We fixed an issue that affects a Server Message Block (SMB) multichannel connection and might generate a 13A or C2 error.
- We fixed an issue that occurs when you map a network drive to a Server Message Block version 1 (SMBv1) share. After restarting the OS, you cannot access that network drive.
- We fixed an issue that causes virtual computer object (VCO) password settings failure on a distributed network name resource.
- We fixed an issue that damages a pool when a Client-Side Caching (CSC) cleanup method fails to delete a resource that was created.
- We fixed an issue that might cause the server to lock up because the nonpaged pool grows and uses up all memory. After a restart, the same issue occurs again when you try to repair the damage.
- We reduced the overhead of resource contention in high input/output operations per second (IOPS) scenarios that have many threads contending on a single file.
Dibandingkan dengan patch tuesday kemarin, update ini tentu lebih banyak membawa perubahan dan perbaikan, sehingga dengan itu ada baiknya kamu para pengguna Insider Release Preview untuk memperbarui Windows 10 kamu segera.
Sudahkah kamu perbarui? komen dibawah guys.
Via : Microsoft