Microsoft Rilis Update KB5034855 Untuk Windows 11 Insider Beta

Selain Windows Insider Release Preview, Dev dan Canary, Insider Beta pun minggu ini tentunya mendapatkan update baru yang hadir via update KB5034855 (Build 22635.3209).

Nah update ini tentu membawa sejumlah peningkatan yang sebelumnya telah dihadirkan di Insider Dev dan Canary termasuk adanya instant access pada photo dan screenshot dari smartphone Android yang terhubung.

Dengan peningkatan baru ini, pengguna bisa mendapatkan notifikasi jika ada gambar / screenshot yang diambil dari smartphone yang terhubung, dan untuk menghubungkan smartphone Android ke Windows 11 dan mendapatkan fitur ini, pengguna bisa meluncur ke halaman Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Mobile devices dan pilih Manage devices kemudian izinkan akses ke ponsel Android.

Pengguna juga bisa langsung membuka gambar / screenshot dari notifications toast dan membukanya dari snipping tool, peningkatan yang menarik bukan?, awalnya ini dihadirkan di Insider Dev dan Canary beberapa minggu lalu, namun kini diperluas ke Insider Beta melalui update KB5034855.

Selain itu ada beberapa perbaikan pada sistem operasi yang mencakup :

  • This update addresses an issue that affects the CrashOnAuditFail registry value. When you set it to one (1), only admins can sign in to a machine that has stopped working. After you install this update, standard users can sign in to the machine.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects an embedded SIM (eSIM) When you delete it, you do not get a notification.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Azure Virtual Desktop virtual machines. At random, they restart. This occurs because of an access violation in lsass.exe.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Microsoft Edge. The UI is wrong for Internet Options Data Settings.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects long-edge fed printers. The alignment of stapling or hole punch locations is wrong.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects a machine that is used as a remote desktop session host. You get stop error RDR_FILE_SYSTEM (0x27). This occurs when you start up all users from the machine.
  • This update addresses an issue that makes the troubleshooting process fail. This occurs when you use the Get Help app.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the Windows Settings Home page. It randomly stops responding when you go to the page.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Remote Desktop Web Authentication. You might not be able to connect to sovereign cloud endpoints.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Steps Recorder. Some of the UI and steps are not localized to Chinese.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Notepad. It does not open for the standard user account. This occurs when you use Command Prompt to open it based on file type association.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects 8 Zip archives. It stops you from opening them by double-clicking them in File Explorer.
  • This update affects games you install on a secondary drive. Now, they remain installed on the drive.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the Certificate Authority snap-in. You cannot select the “Delta CRL” option. This stops you from using the GUI to publish Delta CRLs.
  • This update addresses an issue that stops a system from going to sleep. This occurs when you connect an external device to the system.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects the download of device metadata. Downloads from the Windows Metadata and Internet Services (WMIS) over HTTPS are now more secure.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects networking. A device fails to make the automatic switch from cellular to Wi-Fi when it can use Wi-Fi.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects Narrator announcements. They are slow when you use Natural Voices.
  • This update addresses an issue that affects explorer.exe. It might stop responding. This occurs when you restart or shut down a PC that has a controller accessory attached to it.

Perlu diingat, fitur baru dan peningkatan yang hadir di Insider Beta akan dipisah menjadi dua bagian, satu untuk pengguna yang mengaktifkan opsi “get the latest updates as they are available” di Windows Updates atau tidak. Namun dalam update kali ini, semua peningkatan yang dicatat diatas hadir untuk semua pengguna dan tidak terbatas untuk pengguna yang mengaktifkan opsi tersebut saja.

Selain itu, untuk mendapatkan peningkatan Mobile Devices diatas, pastikan kamu telah memperbarui semua aplikasi yang tersedia di Microsoft Store dan juga memperbarui aplikasi aplikasi Phone Link kamu di Android.

Via : Microsoft

Gylang Satria

Penulis, Pengguna Windows 11, Elementary OS, dan Iphone SE 2020. Tag @gylang_satria di Disqus jika ada pertanyaan.

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