Beberapa waktu lalu Microsoft meluncurkan versi baru dari Microsoft Edge Chromium Dev versi 83.0.478.5, update ini merupakan update kedua Edge Chromium Dev pada bulan ini, dan tentunya selain itu hadir juga beberapa penambahan fitur dan perbaikan didalamnya.
Berdasarkan halaman Release Note yang dicatat Microsoft, berikut adalah penambahan fitur pada Edge Chromium Dev 83.0.478.5.
- Added the ability to select text and read aloud just the selection.
- Added the ability to add nicknames to payment cards that are stored for easy differentiation.
- Added support for websites to ask for permission to edit files on your device (not supported by all devices).
- Added support for importing data from Firefox using the Auto Import At First Run management policy.
- Added support for the DNS Over HTTPS Mode management policy from upstream Chromium.
Ada juga peningkatan Reliability yang diantaranya :
- Fixed an issue where random renderer processes sometimes use high, constant amounts of CPU.
- Fixed an issue where closing a tab sometimes crashes the browser.
- Fixed an issue where closing a tab containing a PDF document sometimes crashes the browser.
- Fixed a crash on launch on Mac.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to report an unsafe website sometimes crashes the browser.
- Fixed an issue where using Picture-in-Picture mode to view a video sometimes crashes the browser.
- Fixed an issue where dragging an image into a Collection sometimes crashes the Collections pane.
Dan selain itu ada banyak perubahan Behavior dan known issues yang kurang lebih sama seperti pada versi sebelumnya, yang seperti biasa bisa kamu lihat pada halaman Changelog Microsoft Edge berikut.
Perlu diketahui juga bahwa build ini merupakan Beta Release Candidate untuk Major Versions Edge Chromium 83, dan Microsoft mencatat akan memberikan Microsoft Edge Dev ini sebuah update kecil minggu ini dan itu akan mengakhiri update pada Channel Dev. Selanjutnya Dev Channel akan mendapatkan Edge 84.
“We will most likely be releasing a small revision to this build later this week to make sure were perfectly in sync with all the changes from the Chromium project, and then next week, its on to version 84! Also, make sure you dont miss our update to bring Stable to version 81. “ Josh Bodner – Microsoft