Ya, kemarin dirumorkan bahwa Windows 11 Build 22621.382 akan menjadi final release dari Windows 11 2022 Update, namun kawan kawan, kemarin malam, diam diam Microsoft ternyata merilis update KB5016632 yang mana akan mengubah build OS menjadi 22621.457.
Dirilisnya update tersebut adalah karena ada cukup banyak laporan bug yang mengganggu pemakaian sehari hari, dan ketika dirilis, Microsoft belum menghadirkan changelog apapun saat itu, sehingga kita tidak tahu apa saja yang diperbaiki dalam build baru tersebut.
Namun beberapa jam setelah merilis update tersebut, Microsoft kemudian merilis changelog yang menjelaskan apa saja yang ditingkatkan dan apa saja yang diperbaiki, dan ternyata ada cukup banyak loh, beberapa diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut:
- New! We enhanced Microsoft Defender for Endpoints ability to identify and intercept ransomware and advanced attacks.
- New! We compressed a file regardless of its size if you have configured Server Message Block (SMB) Compression.
- New! We improved storage replication that occurs over low bandwidth or congested wide area networks (WAN).
- New! You can now view the usage history for the following resources from the Settings page:
- Camera
- Microphone
- Phone Calls
- Messaging
- Contacts
- Screenshots and apps
- Music library
- – To use this feature, navigate to Settings >Privacy & Security
- We fixed an issue that causes Windows to display tablet mode features for some devices that do not have touchscreens.
- We fixed an issue that causes some application windows to have blank sections in the Task View preview.
- We fixed an issue that occurs for some of you when you copy files from network drives. The error code is 0x80070026.
- We fixed an issue that might cause the Local Security Authority Server Service (LSASS) to leak tokens. This issue affects devices that have installed Windows updates dated June 14, 2022 or later. This issue occurs when the device performs a specific form of service for user (S4U) in a non-Trusted Computing Base (TCB) Windows service that runs as Network Service.
- We fixed an issue that, in certain cases, causes sihost.exe to use a high amount of the CPU.
- We fixed an issue that causes Microsoft Edge to stop responding when you use IE mode. This issue also prevents you from interacting with a dialog. 40242609
- We fixed an issue that causes the App-V client service to leak memory when you delete App-V registry nodes.
- We fixed an issue that prevents you from opening a URL if the URLs length is more than 2084 characters. This update supports a URL of up to 8192 characters.
- We fixed an issue that prevents codecs from being updated from the Microsoft Store.
- We fixed an issue that causes ServerAssignedConfigurations to be null in a few full configuration scenarios.
- We fixed an issue that sometimes prematurely interrupts the resizing operations of a Snap Assist area.
- We fixed an issue that might cause the deployment of the Windows Hello for Business certificate to fail in certain circumstances after you reset a device.
- We fixed an issue that prevents you from reinstalling Universal Printers after you remove them.
- We fixed an issue that prevents non-Windows devices from authenticating when they connect to a Windows-based remote desktop and use a smart card as the authentication method.
- We fixed an issue that causes the Settings app to stop working on server domain controllers (DCs) when accessing the Privacy > Activity history page.
- We fixed an issue that affects a lookup for a nonexistent security ID (SID) from the local domain using read-only domain controller (RODC). The lookup unexpectedly returns the STATUS_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FAILURE error instead of STATUS_NONE_MAPPED or STATUS_SOME_MAPPED.
- We fixed an issue that prevents the Storage Migration Service (SMS) from completing the inventory on servers that have many shares. Error event 2509 appears in Microsoft-Windows-StorageMigrationService/Admin channel (ErrorId=-2146233088/ErrorMessage=Invalid table id).
- We fixed an issue that affects the Sync across your devices option under Settings > System > Clipboard. The option will not remain enabled.

Dengan diperbaruinya build ini, maka rumor kemarin dapat dikatakan hanyalah sebatas rumor dan tentu bisa saja berubah karena Windows 11 2022 Update ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan akhir.
Untuk build finalnya sendiri masih dapat belum dipastikan, setidaknya dua hari sebelum perilisan resmi, maka build terakhir dari Windows Insider Release Preview yang menjadi calon utama build final release Windows 11 2022 Update.
Nah bagaimana menurutmu? komen dibawah guys.
Thanks to : Choyrul Imam via Disqus Comment.
Via : Neowin