Setelah cukup lama Microsoft tidak memperbarui build di Windows 11 Insider Beta Channel, hari ini mereka merilis update KB5015888 yang mana seperti halnya update bulan lalu, pembaruan kali ini dipisah menjadi dua build berbeda, yaitu Build 22621.436 dan 22622.436.
Nah selain itu, ada sejumlah peningkatan yang dihadirkan untuk para pengguna, terlebih untuk pengguna Windows Insider Beta yang mendapatkan build 22622.436, dimana peningkatan tersebut diantaranya adalah:
Peningkatan Nearby Sharing
Dimana kini Nearby Sharing sudah ditingkatkan menggunakan UDP dengan catatan bahwa konfigurasi jaringan harus di setting ke private besamaan dengan diaktifkannya bluetooth untuk mencari perangkat terdekat.

Share Local Files ke OneDrive
Nah peningkatan yang kedua adalah kemampuan untuk membagikan local files ke Onedrive secara langsung, dimana opsi Onedrive bisa kamu temukan di menu share, seperti pada gambar berikut.

Selain itu ada sejumlah peningkatan lain untuk Windows 11 Insider Beta Build 22622.436, dimana itu mencakup:
- Windows Terminal is now the default terminal in Windows 11. This means, all command line applications will open in Windows Terminal automatically (Command Prompt and PowerShell, for example). The setting for this change can be found via Settings > Privacy & security > For developers. Please note that Windows Terminal version 1.15 or greater is required for this feature.
- You can now report animated gifs that you feel are inappropriate from the emoji panel (WIN + .)
- Fixed an issue where the tab order when using CTRL + Tab would be wrong if youd rearranged the tabs in File Explorer.
- Fixed an explorer.exe crash when dragging tabs around.
- If Show all folders is enabled, the dividers in File Explorers navigation pane should no longer show. With this change, it should also address the issues where dividers were unexpectedly showing in some other folder pickers.
- Opening a zipped folder in a new tab should no longer have a blank tab name.
- Removable drives should no longer unexpectedly be displayed in a section by themselves in the navigation pane, which was breaking up the section with This PC and Network.
- Fixed an issue where the add new tab button wasnt clearly visible when using Aquatic or Desert contrast themes.
- A faint line should no longer display between the current tab and the command bar.
- Updated the tooltip when hovering over a tab to suggest using CTRL + W to close the tab (rather than CTRL + F4, which didnt work).
- If focus is on the tab row, CTRL + W will no longer unexpectedly close two tabs instead of just the tab in focus.
- Fixed an issue where the tab row might unexpectedly expand vertically, covering the command bar contents.
- Fixed a Start crash which was impacting some Insiders on Build 22622.160.
Nah selain untuk Windows 11 Insider Beta Build 22622.436, Build 22621.436 juga mendapatkan sejumlah peningkatan berikut:
- We fixed an issue that prevents troubleshooters from opening.
- We fixed an issue that causes the Smart App Control to block catalog-signed files.
- We fixed an issue that might highly distort photos you take using the Camera app. This issue occurs when using certain cameras under certain low light conditions.
- We fixed an issue that throws an exception when you debug drivers using Visual Studio 2022 version 17.2 or later.
- We fixed an issue that causes the Windows profile service to fail sporadically. The failure might occur when signing in. The error message is, gpsvc service failed to sign in. Access denied.
- We fixed an issue that prevents virtualized App-V Office applications from opening or causes them to stop responding.
- We fixed an issue resulting in a small number of Insiders in the Beta Channel experiencing cyclical crashes in Explorer.exe and other Windows UI components, making the screen look like its flickering. Please note, this fix should stop more Insiders from being newly impacted, however if you are already impacted by this, you will need to run the following command in PowerShell to resolve it: Add-AppxPackage -Register -Path C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.CBS_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AppxManifest.xml -DisableDevelopmentMode -ForceApplicationShutdown
- Fixed an issue which was causing some Insiders on the previous Beta Channel flight to have their PCs stuck on a black screen after waking from sleep.
- Fixed an issue which would lead to losing network connectivity after turning on mobile hotspot.
- Fixed an issue causing Build 22621.290 / 22622.290 to fail to install with error 0x800f081f for some Insiders.
Nah apakah kamu sudah mendapatkan pembaruan ini guys?, dan oh iya, jika kamu kebetulan mendapatkan Build 22621.436, kamu bisa melakukan check for updates secara manual dan download opsi update ke Build 22622.436 yang tersedia disana.