Minggu ini, seperti biasa Microsoft akan merilis update baru untuk para pengguna Insider, selain Insider Dev Channel, tentu Insider Beta juga akan kebagian update mingguan.
Nah untuk Windows Insider Beta, update yang diterima kali ini adalah update KB5018486 yang mana akan mengubah Build OS menjadi dua build berbeda, yaitu 22621.875 & 22623.875.
Dalam update ini, ada sejumlah peningkatan yang dihadirkan pada Build 22623, dan salah satunya adalah fitur klik kanan baru di Taskbar kini telah hadir untuk para pengguna Insider.
“The change that adds Task Manager to the context menu when right-clicking on the taskbar is now available to all Windows Insiders in the Beta Channel.” Tulis Microsoft.
Masih untuk Build 22623, kini tablet optimized taskbar juga kembali ditingkatkan.
“Tablet-optimized taskbar which began rolling out with Build 22623.730 is now available to all Windows Insiders in the Beta Channel. The System Tray improvements that began rolling out with Build 22623.746 that include drag and drop is still rolling out so not all Insiders in the Beta Channel will see this right away.”
Nah selain untuk Build 22623 ada juga sejumlah peningkatan yang dihadirkan di Build 22621, dimana diantaranya mencakup:
- New! We enhanced the backup experience when using your Microsoft Account (MSA). Some devices might notice visual treatments for this enhancement. This is available to a small audience initially and deploys more broadly in the months that follow.
- We fixed an issue that might affect some types of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections. These connections might have handshake failures. For developers, the affected connections are likely to send multiple frames followed by a partial frame with a size of less than 5 bytes within a single input buffer. If the connection fails, your app will receive the error, SEC_E_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE.
- We stopped the start of daylight saving time in Jordan at the end of October 2022. The Jordan time zone will permanently shift to the UTC + 3 time zone.
- We fixed an issue that affects transparency in layered windows. This occurs when you are in High-Definition remote applications integrated locally (RAIL) mode.
Nah langsung saja deh, untuk kamu para pengguna Windows 11 Insider Beta Channel yang saat ini menggunakan Build 22621 dan 22623, kamu bisa langsung saja meluncur ke halaman Settings > Windows Update > Check for updates, kemudian silahkan kamu download update (KB5018486) yang tersedia disana.
Via : Microsoft