Hari ini, Microsoft merilis build baru untuk mereka para pengguna Insider Dev Channel, meskipun Build 20201 yang diberikan tidak membawa fitur baru seperti sebelumnya, namun update yang diberikan kali ini membawa sejumlah perbaikan yang mungkin cukup penting bagi pengguna.
Salah satu perbaikannya adalah, perbaikan dengan HDR Monitor yang menampilkan Black Screen ketika mode HDR diaktifkan, selain itu ada juga perbaikan pada Windows Control aplikasi UWP yang sebelumnya sempat Stuck.
Berikut adalah Changelog yang dirangkum Microsoft dalam Release note update kali ini:
- We’ve fixed an issue where some Microsoft Store games protected by Easy Anti-Cheat failed to launch. Some games may still need to release an update to fully resolve the issue.
- We fixed an issue where the IME mode indicator in the taskbar was indicating that the IME was enabled when it was actually in disabled state.
- We fixed an issue in the last few flights resulting in HDR monitors appearing black when HDR was enabled.
- We fixed an issue where the min/max/close buttons were stuck in their original positions after resizing a UWP app.
- We fixed an issue where SetInputScope wasn’t working if it was called after the app had been initialized.
Known Issues
Seperti biasa, ada perbaikan, ada juga masalah yang diketahui, dan salah satu yang mungkin akan sering pengguna rasakan adalah masalah Syncing aplikasi Mail dengan layanan Mail yang pengguna hubungkan, untuk pengguna aplikasi Mail mungkin hal ini cukup mengesalkan ketika ada Email masuk sedikit terlambat daripada yang seharusnya.
Selain masalah tersebut, ada juga sejumlah Known Issues lain yang diantaranya :
- We’re looking into reports of the update process hanging for extended periods of time when attempting to install a new build.
- We’re investigating reports that the new taskbar experience for pinned sites isn’t working for some sites.
- We’re working on a fix to enable live preview for pinned site tabs.
- We’re working on enabling the new taskbar experience for existing pinned sites. In the meantime, you can unpin the site from the taskbar, remove it from the edge://apps page, and then re-pin the site.
- We’re working on a fix for an issue where pinned sites don’t show all open tabs for a domain. In the meantime, you can fix this by pinning the site’s homepage rather than a specific page (e.g. pin microsoft.com rather than microsoft.com/windows).
- We’re working on a fix to resolve syncing issues in the Mail app with certain mail services.
- We’re working on a fix for an issue where Office documents may open blank when opened from File Explorer. If you encounter this issue on this build or Build 20197, the file should render correctly if opened from within the app rather than File Explorer.
- We’re investigating reports of some Office applications crashing or missing after updating to a new build.
- We’re investigating reports of some devices receiving a bugcheck with error code KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION.
- We’re investigating reports of the Settings app crashing when opening Manage Disks and Volumes.
Untuk kamu pengguna Insider Dev Channel, kamu bisa langsung saja klik Check For Update di Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update, untuk mendapatkan Build terbaru ini.
Selain itu, bagi kamu yang ingin mendownload File ISO dari Build 20201 ini, Microsoft sudah merilis file ISOnya loh, kamu hanya perlu mendownloadnya melalui halaman Microsoft berikut.