Seperti yang telah kita tahu, bahwa ada dua versi Windows 11 Beta Channel, dimana ada build 22621 dan 22622, untuk Build 22621 sendiri kabarnya akan menjadi build yang hadir pada channel stable bulan september nanti, namun tentu itu masih berupa rumor saja.
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Nah di kedua build tersebut, pada hari ini ada update baru yang dihadirkan, dimana update yang dihadirkan adalah KB5016701, dan akan mengubah build OS menjadi 22621.586 dan 22622.586.
Mari kita bahas lebih jauh mengenai build 22622.586, karena di build ini ada lebih banyak perbaikan yang dihadirkan.
Salah satu yang diperbaiki di Build ini adalah masalah title bar di file explorer yang tidak bisa di drag di build sebelumnya, masalah ini cukup banyak dilaporkan para Insider di Feedback Hub dan berutungnya kini telah diperbaiki.
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Selain itu ada sejumlah perbaikan lain mencakup perbaikan masalah DWM yang selalu crash perbaikan SQL Server Management Studio yang selalu gagal terbuka, dan sejumlah masalah lain pada File Explorer. Untuk detail lengkapnya bisa kamu lihat changelog berikut.
- We fixed an issue causing DWM crashes (leading to black flashes or content stuck on the screen) for Insiders on 22622.575.
- We fixed an issue causing SQL Server Management Studio to fail to launch for some Insiders.
- Fixed an issue causing the left-half of the File Explorer title bar to not be draggable via mouse or touch for some Insiders.
- Selecting multiple folders and then using the context menu option to open them in a new tab will now actually do that, rather than opening the first folder in a new tab and all the others in a new window.
- We fixed an issue causing Home, Documents, Pictures, and potentially other folders to become unexpectedly duplicated in File Explorers navigation pane or appear on the desktop.
- We fixed an explorer.exe crash which could happen when closing a newly opened File Explorer window.
- We fixed an issue where the search box background in File Explorer might be the opposite color of your current mode (for example dark in light mode).
- Fixed an issue where File Explorer would appear to open, close, and re-open before it finished drawing after being launched from certain places (for example when opening the location of a downloaded file from Microsoft Edge).
- Fixed an issue which could lead to explorer.exe crashing when File Explorer was closed.
- The up arrow should no longer be misaligned in File Explorer.
- Removed the toolbar some people were unexpectedly seeing (with View / Edit / etc.) after the introduction of tabs in File Explorer. As part of this, the always show menus option in Folder Options was also removed which didnt do anything.
- Fixed an underlying explorer.exe crash which could happen when File Explorer launch was aborted, for example if you were attempting to access a network share from the Run dialog, were prompted for credentials, and then clicked cancel instead of entering them.
- Fixed an issue causing the delete key to unexpectedly not work on files in File Explorer sometimes.
- Fixed an issue which could lead to not being able to unpin Desktop, Pictures, or Documents folders from Quick access.
- Fixed an issue when dragging and dropping a folder to pin it to the navigation pane, that the line indicating where it would be inserted didnt have enough contrast in dark mode.
- Fixed an issue where the min / max / close button might not be visible in File Explorer when using a contrast theme.
- Fixed an issue which could lead to the taskbar overflow flyout unexpectedly appearing on the opposite side of the screen.
- Fixed an issue where the taskbar overflow flyout might appear floating away from the taskbar if you opened it after a display scaling change.
- Fixed an issue where if you right clicked an app in the taskbar and selected Close all windows, it wasnt bringing the app into the foreground anymore if it needed attention before closing (for example, if you hadnt saved the contents of a Notepad window).
- Fixed an issue where explorer.exe might crash if you attempted to rearrange app icons on the taskbar while the taskbar overflow was open.
- Fixed an issue for Insiders with at least two monitors, where if the monitors had different DPI, the taskbar overflow could appear before it was needed or end up overlapped with the date and time on the secondary monitor.
- Fixed a Settings crash that could happen when uninstalling certain apps.
- We fixed an issue where the buttons for changing current view in Settings > Apps > Installed apps might unexpectedly show arrows overlaid on top.
- Fixed an issue where when Suggested Actions was enabled, if you copied multiple items in a row to your clipboard history, some of the items might not display after you pressed WIN + V.
- Your preferred state for the Suggested Actions setting under System > Clipboard should persist upgrade going forward from this build.
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Nah sedangkan itu, ada beberapa perbaikan yang dihadirkan baik untuk Build 22621.586 dan 22622.586, dimana itu adalah:
- We fixed an issue where some Lenovo devices were not receiving updates as expected.
- We fixed an issue causing domain credentials to not work for some Insiders on the previous Beta Channel flight.
- We fixed an issue where the Sync across your devices option under Settings > System > Clipboard wouldnt stay enabled.
- We fixed an issue that affects Microsoft Defender Application Guard (MDAG). It delays or stops MDAG from opening.
- We fixed an issue that affects URLs generated by JavaScript: URLs. These URLs do not work as expected when you add them to the Favorites menu in IE mode.
- We fixed an issue that forces the IE mode tabs in a session to reload.
- We fixed an issue that affects open in IE mode.
- We fixed an issue that successfully opens a browser window in IE mode to display a PDF file. Later, browsing to another IE mode site within the same window fails. 40411607
- We fixed an issue that might bypass MSHTML and ActiveX rules for Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC).
- We fixed an issue that affects the SharedPC account manager. The issue stops it from deleting many accounts during cleanup.
- We fixed an issue that affects a networks static IP. The issue causes the configuration of the static IP to be inconsistent. Because of this, NetworkAdapterConfiguration() fails sporadically.
- We fixed an issue that affects the FindNextFileNameW() It might leak memory.
Banyak banget bukan?, jadi untuk kamu para pengguna Windows Insider Beta Channel, langsung saja update build Windows 11 kamu melalui halaman Settings > Windows Updates > Check for Updates.
Untuk kamu yang masih menggunakan Build 22621 dan ingin memperbarui ke Build 22622, opsi berpindah build ada di Windows Updates, jadi silahkan kamu pilih saja secara manual.
Via : Microsoft