Minggu ini para pengguna Windows Insider Dev mendapatkan update build baru yang akan mengubah Build Windows 11 mereka ke versi 23435, nah di build ini akhirnya Microsoft secara resmi memperkenalkan fitur Gallery di File Explorer yang telah lama dalam pengujian sebagai fitur experimental.
Fitur Gallery ini kini bisa kamu gunakan untuk mengakses koleksi foto dengan lebih mudah, dimana Gallery ini juga akan menampilkan foto yang telah terhubung dengan Camera Roll OneDrive di perangkat Smartphone pengguna.

Selain itu, Gallery juga berfungsi dari file picking dialog dimana kamu bisa memasukkan attachment ke PowerPoint dan aplikasi lain dengan lebih mudah.
"Gallery is optimized for accessing your most recently taken photos. If you have OneDrive Camera Roll Backup set up on your phone, photos you take will show up automatically at the top of the view. You can choose which folders are shown in Gallery through the Collection dropdown. You can also add subfolders of existing sources to filter to a subset of your content, such as desktop backgrounds and SD card/camera imports." ungkap Microsoft.

Namun perlu diingat bahwa fitur ini untuk sekarang masih dalam pengujian dan belum tersedia utnuk semua pengguna Insider, jadi hanya kamu yang beruntung yang telah mendapatkan fitur ini.
Selain hadirnya Gallery, Microsoft juga memperkenalkan sejumlah varian berbeda dari bagaimana badging Microsoft Account bekerja di Start Menu, mulai dengan informasi Microsoft 365, OneDrive dan lainnya.

Dan bukan hanya itu, kini Presense Sensing juga kini telah hadir di halaman Settings > Privacy & security > Presence sensing.

Nah untuk kamu penasaran, ada sejumlah peningkatan lain yang dihadirkan dimana itu mencakup:
- Windows Insiders will begin noticing a “pizza” icon on the command bar in File Explorer. This icon denotes that an Insider is previewing the Windows App SDK version of File Explorer. Functionality in File Explorer remains unchanged, it just switches from using WinUI 2 to using WinUI 3.

- Fixed a few explorer.exe crashes that were impacting taskbar reliability.
- Updated the TextInput/EnableTouchKeyboardAutoInvokeInDesktopMode MDM policy to allow “2” as a valid value to enforce showing the touch keyboard on tapping an edit control even when the hardware keyboard is attached.
- Fixed an issue which was causing Settings crashes when navigating to various Windows Update related pages in the last couple flights.
- Fixed the issue that caused enhanced speech recognition support installed through the Language & Region settings page to require restarting live captions if you switch languages in the live captions Caption language menu on Arm64 devices.
- Fixed the issue where you may not see install completion of “Enhanced speech recognition” (required by Live Captions) when adding a language through the Language & Region settings page, and language feature installation progress may become hidden
- Improved the performance of the expand all / collapse all View options on the Processes page.
- Updated Narrator’s default for “Context level for buttons and controls” to “3 – Immediate content name and type.”
Sementara itu ada sejumlah known issues baru dimana salah satunya mencakup masalah Gallery, yaitu:
- [NEW] Gallery may require clicking twice on the node in the navigation pane for initial load.
- [NEW] Live updates (including filtering) are currently disabled and require using the Refresh button as a workaround.
- [NEW] Thumbnail loading performance for dehydrated cloud files and memory usage in large collections are known issues we are focused on improving. Please capture Performance traces in Feedback Hub for any performance-related issues. Rebuilding your Indexer can help if thumbnails are missing for cloud files; Search for “Indexing Options” and look in Advanced settings to find the rebuild tool.
- [NEW] Photos from OneDrive for Business currently must be hydrated to work properly.
- [NEW] Some file types (e.g., HEIC) might not be rendered correctly or performantly.
- [NEW] Live captions will crash on first launch due to an issue impacting registry data retrieval. A new fix is expected very soon.
Nah informasi lengkap mengenai build ini bisa kamu lihat pada halaman Microsoft berikut, dan untuk kamu para pengguna Windows Insider Dev, kamu sudah bisa mendapatkan Build ini melalui halaman Settings > Windows Update > Check for updates, pastikan kamu mendownload Windows 11 Insider Build 23435 yang tersedia disana.