Microsoft Rilis Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 23440

Selain mmerilis Windows 11 Insider Canary Build 25346, Microsoft juga merilis update baru untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel dimana update yang dihadirkan akan mengubah Build OS menjadi 23440.

Nah dalam update ini sendiri, ada sejumlah fitur baru yang sebelumnya telah diperkenalkan di Windows 11 Insider Canary Build 25346, seperti hadirnya opsi Diagnose network problem di icon Network system tray Windows 11, serta hadirnya informasi tambahan dari Blog Microsoft pada bagian Recommended items di Start Menu.

Sementara itu, Icon Spotlight di Desktop pun kini telah berubah jika Spotlight dalam posisi On.

Lalu apa ada hal lain yang juga dihadirkan di Build ini?, tentu saja ada dan cukup banyak jika kita bandingkan dengan fitur baru dan perubahan yang hadir untuk Insider Canary minggu ini, selain beberapa hal yang telah dibahas diatas, ada sejumlah hal lain yang mencakup:

  • You can now hide the time and date in the system tray. You can turn this on by right-clicking on the system tray clock and choosing “Adjust date and time”.
  • We are exploring a new hover behavior for the search box and search highlight gleam. The proposed interaction model aims to create a more engaging search experience by invoking the search flyout when you hover over the search box gleam. This behavior can be adjusted by right-clicking on the taskbar, choosing “Taskbar settings” and adjusting your preferred search box experience.
  • Fixed a few explorer.exe crashes that were impacting taskbar reliability.
  • Updated the Widgets invocation logic, so that if you brush your mouse quickly across the Widgets icon in the taskbar while travelling somewhere else, it should be less likely to accidentally open Widgets. As a reminder, if you’d prefer that Widgets doesn’t launch on hover, there is an option for that in the Widgets settings.
  • Fixed an issue where the context menu was opening far away from where your mouse had right-clicked sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue which was causing some of the icons in File Explorer and the context menu to be blurry after DPI changes.
  • Fixed an issue where the New button in the command bar might not show anything in the dropdown.
  • CTRL + Mouse wheel scrolling should now resize the thumbnails.
  • Made some improvements to how Narrator reads out the recommended files.
  • Shift + Right click on a file or folder should open “Show more options” again now.
  • Adjusted how Narrator was reading out the access keys after pressing the menu key, to make it clearer.Fixed an issue where the cursor wasn’t displaying correctly in the search box when using an Arabic display language.
  • Fixed an issue where the touch keyboard didn’t correctly recognize a hardware keyboard was available in some cases.
  • Fixed a shellexperiencehost.exe crash when disconnecting from another monitor using WIN + P.
  • Fixed an issue where 2FA codes weren’t being recognized if they were in parentheses.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing live captions to crash on first launch due to an issue impacting registry data retrieval.
  • Adding enhanced language recognition support in Language & region settings will now install the right files on ARM64 devices. You will no longer need to restart live captions after switching between caption languages installed from Language & region settings. However, you will need to uninstall any “speech pack” entries in Settings > Apps > Installed apps which were installed before the Language & region settings fix and re-install from Language & region settings.
  • Fixed an issue in Language & region settings that caused language feature installation progress to be hidden.
  • Fixed an issue causing live captions’ Add a language menu icon and label to overlap.
  • Double clicking Task Manager’s title bar to maximize the window should work again now.
  • Fixed a Task Manager crash which was impacting Insiders in the last couple flights.
  • Fixed an issue that was leaving voice access’s window empty after opening.
  • Fixed an issue where voice access was crashing when using the command to go to the start of a document.
  • Fixed an issue where Narrator’s CTRL + Narrator + Home and Ctrl + Narrator + End commands to move to the beginning and end of text weren’t working correctly in Edge.

Nah ada banyak banget bukan?, sejumlah perbaikan juga telah dihadirkan dalam Build ini, seperti salah satunya adalah kini ketika pengguna menekan Shift + Klik kanan pada files maka opsi Show more akan langsung ditampilkan, begitu pula dengan dukungan tombol CTRL + Scroll di Mouse yang kini akan mengubah ukuran Thumbnail.

Untuk kamu pengguna Windows Insider Dev, kamu bisa langsung saja meluncur ke halaman Settings > Windows Update > Check for updates, kemudian download dan install Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 23440 yang tersedia disana.

Via : Microsoft

Gylang Satria

Penulis, Pengguna Windows 11, Elementary OS, dan Iphone SE 2020. Tag @gylang_satria di Disqus jika ada pertanyaan.

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