Sesuai dengan jadwal Microsoft, setelah kemarin mereka merilis Update KB5030305 Untuk Windows 11 Insider Beta, hari ini Microsoft juga merilis build baru untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel yaitu Build 23545 yang tentunya membawa cukup banyak peningkatan dan perbaikan didalamnya.
Sedikit informasi juga nih guys, file ISO dari Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 23545 ini juga sudah bisa kamu dapatkan dari halaman Microsoft berikut, jadi kamu sudah bisa merasakan pengalaman instalasi dari awal.
Untuk peningkatan di build ini sendiri salah satunya adalah peningkatan pada hover experience di search on the taskbar, dimana kini ketika pengguna klik pada search highlight gleam di search box akan langsung dialihkan ke halaman bing.com, namun perlu dicatat bahwa pengalaman ini mungkin akan berbeda tergantung pengguna.
Selain itu, Microsoft juga mulai meluncurkan kemampuan utnuk melakukan sharing dengan lebih cepat via Windows Share, dimana kamu bisa dengan lebih cepat memberikan nama yang lebih “ramah” pada perangkat kamu untuk mengidentifikasi fitur nearby sharing dari halaman Settings > System > Nearby sharing.
Microsoft juga mulai meluncurkan kemampuan untuk melihat kontak dari Microsof Teams (work or school) dan mengirim file ke kontak tersebut secara langsung dari windows share bawaan dari WIndows 11. Tentunya dengan catatan bahwa kamu telah login / sign in menggunakan akun Entra ID (AAD) yang kamu miliki.
Selain itu, ada sejumlah perbaikan lain yang mencakup perbaikan pada file explorer ang dikabarkan sering mengalami crash di build sebelumnya, peningkatan launch performances pada File Explorer dan perbaikan lain yang bisa kamu lihat dalam changelog berikut:
- Fixed an issue which could cause explorer.exe to crash when closing File Explorer.
- Fixed an issue where when switching between dark and light mode (or a contrast theme) File Explorers address bar, command bar, and context menu could get stuck in the wrong colors, making it difficult to see.
- Fixed an issue where if you launched File Explorer in dark theme you could see a bright white flash as content loaded.
- Fixed an issue where rapidly opening two File Explorer windows might make explorer.exe crash.
- Made a few more fixes to help improve File Explorer launch performance, including fixing a leak which would impact performance over time.
- Fixed an issue which could make explorer.exe crash when navigating away from Home.
- Fixed an issue where trying to open Gallery after new images had been added might result in a crash.
- Fixed an issue where the progress wheel in the tab would get stuck showing that File Explorer was loading a folder when the loading had actually already finished.
- Fixed an issue where File Explorer sorting changes wouldnt persist in folders after you navigated away and back.
- Fixed an issue which could cause the icons in File Explorer tabs to be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue which was causing icons on the desktop to turn into white generic icons until you refreshed the desktop.
- Fixed a high hitting explorer.exe crash in the latest builds impacting taskbar reliability.
- Fixed an issue that was causing search to not launch sometimes in the latest Dev Channel builds.
- We fixed the issue causing Unicode Emoji 15support which began rolling out with Build 23475 and the updated color font format with COLRv1 support that began rolling out with Build 23506 to no longer appear. These experiences should again be working with this build.
- Did some work to help address an issue that could cause the Japanese and Chinese IME candidate windows to not appear after using connected standby, due to a crash.
- Fixed a high hitting tabtip.exe crash that may have impacted the ability to type in the last couple flights.
- Fixed an issue where Settings wasnt launching in safe mode for some Insiders.
- Fixed an issue where trying to take window mode screenshots was taking screenshots of the entire screen instead of the app in focus for some Insiders.
Nah itu saja mungkin peningkatan yang hadir di Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 23545, untuk kamu para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel, kamu sudah bisa mendapatkan build ini melalui halaman Settings > Windows Update > Check for Updates > kemudian download dan install Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 23545 yang tersedia disana.
Via : Microsoft