Yap, sekarang sudah hari kamis, biasanya hari rabu malam, Microsoft selalu merilis update build baru untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel, dan di minggu ini, sesuai dengan jadwal biasanya, mereka merilis build baru dengan nomor 25188, tentunya ada sejumlah peningkatan yang dihadirkan di Build ini.
Salah satu peningkatan yang dihadirkan adalah peningkatan pada Touch Keyboard, dimana pada build ini, akan ada opsi baru dihalaman Settings > Time & language > Typing > Touch keyboard, yang mana itu adalah Never, When no keyboard attached, dan always.

Nah opsi ini berfungsi agar pengguna dapat lebih mudah mengatur behavior touch keyboard ketika ada hardware keyboard yang dihubungkan.
Selain itu ada sejumlah peningkatan lain loh, termasuk kini Windows Terminal sudah menjadi default terminal di Windows 11, dimana semua aplikasi command line yang kamu buka di Windows 11 build 25188 ini akan otomatis terbuka dengan Windows Terminal.
Kemudian ada beberapa peningkatan dan perbaikan lain, diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut, seperti biasa untuk lebih lengkapnya kamu bisa lihat changelog berikut saja.
- We are trying out a new touch keyboard setting in this build and Windows Terminal is now the default terminal.
- This build includes a good set of fixes to improve the overall experience for Windows Insiders.
- Were also releasing another Microsoft Store update starting with Windows Insiders in the Dev Channel details below.
- We have added a new known issue for this build where apps that rely on the .NET Framework 3.5 may be broken. If you have apps installed that use the .NET Framework 3.5 and need them to work, you may want to pause flighting and hold off updating to this build.
- Windows Terminal is now the default terminal in Windows 11. This means, all command line applications will open in Windows Terminal automatically (Command Prompt and PowerShell, for example). The setting for this change can be found via Settings > Privacy & security > For developers. Please note that Windows Terminal version 1.15 or greater is required for this feature.
- Updated the Wi-Fi and VPN properties pages in Settings to now include a link to advanced properties for that network.
- Fixed an issue related to the taskbar overflow which was impacting explorer.exe reliability.
- Fixed an issue that was causing Starts recommended to only show one column instead of two.
- Made a fix for Narrator mistakenly reading out the search box in Start twice.
- Fixed an issue where the access keys (underlined letters) in WIN + X had duplicate definitions when an update was pending reboot.
- Fixed an issue causing a small percentage of Insiders to experience repeated explorer.exe crashes after attempting to access certain folders on their systems in the last couple Dev Channel builds.
- Fixed a recent issue where if File Explorer was open when you switched between light and dark mode, you could end up with some unreadable text / UI showing the wrong color.
- Fixed an issue that was causing explorer.exe to crash when opening folders with certain images.
- The up arrow should no longer be misaligned in File Explorer.
- Fixed an issue which could lead to not being able to unpin Desktop, Pictures, or Documents folders from Quick access.
- Fixed an underlying explorer.exe crash which could happen when File Explorer launch was aborted, for example if you were attempting to access a network share from the Run dialog, were prompted for credentials, and then clicked cancel instead of entering them.
- If the tab title is too long to display completely in the available space, hovering your mouse over it will now show a tooltip with the full name.
- Fixed an issue which could lead to explorer.exe crashing when File Explorer was closed.
- Fixed an issue causing the delete key to unexpectedly not work on files in File Explorer sometimes.
- Removed the toolbar some people were unexpectedly seeing (with View / Edit / etc) after the introduction of tabs in File Explorer. As part of this, the always show menus option in Folder Options was also removed which didnt do anything.
- Fixed an underlying crash which could lead to search not launching.
- Searching for detect displays will now return Display Settings.
- Made a number of updates to emoji keywords based on feedback, including fixing that searching for apple didnt return the red apple emoji in Korean or Polish (in the respective languages), searching for trash or garbage in English should now return the wastebasket emoji, searching for roger in English should now return the saluting face emoji, and searching for bug will now return the ladybug emoji. Please continue sharing feedback about emoji search results under Input & Language > Emoji Panel in the Feedback Hub!
- Fixed an issue where in certain cases removing a printer from Settings wouldnt work.
- Fixed an issue where the DNS suffix search list entry wasnt displaying correctly in Settings.
- Fixed an issue where the buttons for changing current view in Settings > Apps > Installed apps might unexpectedly show arrows overlaid on top.
- Updated the positioning of the View button tooltip position so it shouldnt block the close button in the title bar anymore.
- The arrow shown when sorting processes by CPU should no longer be black on black in certain cases when using dark mode.
- Updated the selection highlight color when you select rows on the Details or Services page to be less bright and more aligned with the other colors used with the updated Task Manager
- Fixed an issue leading to missing / broken characters on the Bitlocker screen when using the Japanese display language.
- Fixed an issue where the Advanced Settings of an application pool on a remote IIS server would display a blank screen.
- Fixed an issue where Steps Recorder wouldnt close when you pressed ALT + F4.
Sip, ada banyak banget bukan?, selain itu nih kawan kawan, perlu diketahui juga bahwa di build ini ada animasi icon baru di halaman settings loh.
Jadi untuk kamu para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel, langsung saja update build Windows 11 kamu melalui halaman Settings > Windows Updates > Check for Updates, pastikan kamu mendownload Windows 11 Insider Build 25188.
Via : Microsoft