Selain menghadirkan Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 25211 untuk para pengguna Insider Dev Channel, Microsoft juga menghadirkan build baru untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Beta, yaitu Build 22621.730 dan 22623.730 melalui update KB5017385.
Nah sebelum kita bahas lebih lanjut, kamu mungkin sadar bahwa Build 22622 kini sudah diubah menjadi 22623, hal ini karena bulan depan, kemungkinan build 22622 sudah akan dirilis ke Windows 11 22H2 melalui Moment Update, sedangkan di Build 22623 sendiri, ada pada dasarnya masih sama seperti 22622, yaitu semua fitur baru yang dihadirkan akan diaktifkan secara default tanpa harus pengguna aktifkan menggunakan ViveTool seperti biasa.
Baca Juga : Cara Mengaktifkan Taskbar Overflow di Windows 11 2022 Update
Fitur Apa Yang Hadir di Build 22623.730
Yang pertama ada Tablet-optimized taskbar, dimana seperti yang telah kita tahu , fitur ini dulu sempat Microsoft perkenalkan di Windows 11 Insider Build 22653 namun kembali dihapus pada Build 22610 dengan alasan Microsoft ingin meningkatkan fitur tersebut. Dengan fitur ini, tampilan Taskbar akan dipisah menjadi dua opsi berbeda ketika masuk ke tablet mode.

Sedangkan yang kedua, ada System Tray Updates, dimana pengguna nantinya tidak akan bisa megubah atau mengatur ulang tampilan System Tray dengan drag n drop seperti biasa, namun pengguna meminta feedback pengguna mengenai hal ini.
“This update introduces updates to the System Tray that affect all device types not just 2-in-1 devices. With this change, users will see a rounded focus and hover treatment on all icons in the lower right due to the continued modernization of this experience. You may also notice that it is not possible to drag and drop or rearrange your system tray icons with this change. We heard your feedback on this change earlier this year and are working to address this in a future Insider Preview build.”
Peningkatan Apa Yang Hadir di Build 22623.730
Ada banyak, salah satunya adalah peningkatan pada File Explorer, dimana halaman Home kini akan mencari lebih banyak recenty opened Microsoft 365 cloud files untuk pengguna yang telah signed ke akun Microsoft mereka.
Selain itu, File Explorer Search juga akan menampilkan hasil pencarian setelah kamu mengetik sesuatu disana, tanpa harus klik enter terlebih dahulu.
Perbaikan Lain di Build 22623.730
- The taskbar should no longer flash because of changes in the system tray in non-tablet-optimized scenarios.
- Fixed an issue that was causing parts of the taskbar or its icons like search to get stuck in the wrong themes colors when switching between light and dark themes.
- Date and time should no longer get stuck cutting off on the side of the screen from system tray changes.
- Fixed an issue which was causing Start menu crashes for some Insiders.
- Fixed an issue where the Start menu recommended section might unexpectedly show one column instead of two.
- If you change the app associated with a particular file type, the icon for any of those file type displayed should now update in the recommended section.
Perbaikan Lain di Build 22621.730 & 22623.730
- We fixed an issue that affects some processors. This issue occurs when you turn on Hyper-V and kernel Direct Memory Access (DMA) protections.
- We fixed an issue that affects the Microsoft Japanese input method editor (IME). Text reconversion fails when you use some third-party virtual desktops.
- We fixed an issue that might cause an application to stop responding. This might occur when the input queue overflows.
- We fixed an issue that stops you from signing in to various Microsoft Office 365 apps. This affects Outlook, Word, Teams, and so on.
- We fixed an issue that affects graphics drivers that use d3d9on12.dll.
- We fixed issues that cause updates to the Microsoft Store to fail.
- We fixed an issue that affects the LanmanWorkstation service. It leaks memory when you mount a network drive.
- We fixed an issue that affects the Miracast UI. Sometimes it closes too soon when you cast to devices that use the DeviceObjectType:Aep.
- We fixed an issue that affects Task Manager. It stops working when you switch between light and dark mode or change the accent color.
- We fixed an issue that affects the font of three Chinese characters. When you format these characters as bold, the width size is wrong.
- We fixed an issue that affects input method editors (IME) from Microsoft and third parties. They stop working when you close the IME window. This occurs if the IME uses Windows Text Services Framework (TSF) 1.0.
- We fixed an issue that affects Microsoft Edge IE mode. It stops you from opening webpages. This occurs when you enable Windows Defender Application Guard (WDAG) and you do not configure Network Isolation policies.
- We fixed an issue that affects Microsoft Edge when it is in IE Mode. The titles of pop-up windows and tabs are wrong.
- We fixed an issue that stops the credential UI from displaying in IE mode.
- We fixed an issue that affects certificate mapping. When it fails, lsass.exe might stop working in schannel.dll.
Nah ada banyak banget bukan?, langsung saja deh, untuk kamu para pengguna Windows Insider Beta Channel, kamu bisa langsung meluncur ke halaman Settings > Windows Update > Check For Updates, Kemudian silahkan kamu download update KB5017385 yang tersedia disana.
Via : Microsoft