Minggu lalu Microsoft mengambil keputusan untuk menyuruh para pegawainya bekerja dari dalam rumah, untuk mencegah hal buruk terjadi. Meskipun begitu dikabarkan juga bahwa Dua Karyawan Mereka Yang Berbasis di Puget Sound Telah Didiagnosa Terkena Coronavirus, sehingga masalah virus ini tampaknya benar benar menjadi ancaman bagi Microsoft karena Puget Sound itu berdekatan dengan markas besar mereka.
Dan terkait dengan itu, Microsoft kini menyumbangkan dana sekitar 1 juta dollar kepada Puget Sounds COVID-19 Response Fund. Seperti dalam sebuah postingannya, Microsofts President Brad Smith mengatakan bahwa dana tersebut ditujukan untuk “organisasi komunitas non profit yang bekerja pada garis depan untuk merespon coronavirus”.
“As our community focuses on public health needs during the COVID-19 outbreak, its important that we also rally together to address the unmet economic needs developing around us. Thats why were partnering today with the two largest broad-based regional foundations to strengthen the communitys safety net through this crisis. The Seattle Foundation, United Way of King County, Microsoft, Amazon and Starbucks, in coordination with King County and the City of Seattle, will launch a regional COVID-19 Response Fund (CRF) to address the emerging community needs of COVID-19. . Microsoft is making an initial $1 million anchor donation to help launch this effort immediately.” Kata Microsoft.
Selain itu Brad Smith juga menjelaskan pedoman yang dibentuk oleh Microsoft untuk memastikan dana tersebut digunakan secara efisien.
“Criteria for the initial emergency response stage are being developed to ensure the dollars are allocated in a targeted, agile and responsive manner where the dollars are needed most. Initial grants will support organizations doing work with priority populations, such as: people without sick leave or health insurance; medically fragile populations; hourly and gig economy workers; healthcare workers and people with limited English-language proficiency. The group will raise funds throughout the epidemic and recovery phases, to allocate resources as needs emerge and evolve.
Microsofts products and services can also play a vital role in supporting people and organizations through this crisis, especially for public health officials working tirelessly to reduce the impact of COVID-19 and businesses and universities that are moving to remote meetings and classes. Across the global economy, were working to enable people to work remotely without sacrificing collaboration, productivity and security.”
Brad Smith dalam posting blognya juga mencatat pentingnya Microsoft terkait bagaimana mereka dapat membantu LSM dan para peneliti menghilangkan wabah novel Coronavirus atau COVID-19.
Selain itu untuk para pembaca sekalian, diharapkan untuk terus menjaga kesehatannya agar terhindar dari segala macam hal buruk yang tidak terduga.
Sumber Referensi : Microsoft, MSPowerUser