Untuk kamu para pengguna Windows 10 yang suka dan aktif menggunakan fitur News & Interest, mungkin kamu pernah mendapati bahwa fitur tersebut terkadang flickering dan tidak smooth ketika dibuka.
Nah hal tersebut memang adalah bug dan telah dikonfirmasi Microsoft, dan untuk kamu yang sempat terkena masalah ini, Microsoft telah menyediakan update KB5019275 yang dirilis untuk Windows 10 dengan membawa banyak perbaikan didalamnya.
Update KB5019275 ini sendiri akan mengubah Build OS menjadi 19042.2546, 19043.2546, 19044.2546, dan 19045.2546 sesuai dengan versi Windows 10 yang pengguna gunakan, dan selain memperbaiki masalah flickering pada News & Interest, ada banyak perbaikan lain yang juga dihadirkan, dimana itu mencakup:
- New! This update displays storage alerts for Microsoft OneDrive subscribers on the Systems page in the Settings app. The alerts appear when you are close to your storage limit. You can also manage your storage and purchase additional storage, if needed.
- This update addresses an issue that might affect news and interests. It might flicker on the taskbar and File Explorer might stop responding.
- New! This update addresses an issue that affects cached Fast Identity Online 2.0 (FIDO2) authentication data. The first attempt to sign in fails. The second attempt to sign in succeeds.
- This update addresses an issue that affects searchindexer.exe. It randomly stops you from signing in or signing out.
- This update addresses an issue that affects conhost.exe. It stopsresponding.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Domain Name System (DNS) suffix search list. When you configure it, the parent domain might be missing.
- This update adds support for long URL lengths of up to 8196 characters.
- This update addresses an issue that might occur when the Input Method Editor (IME) is active. Applications might stop responding when you use the mouse and keyboard at the same time.
- This update addresses an issue that occurs when you open Task View. It causes the desktop to stop responding.
- This update addresses an issue that damages memory. The issue occurs when you use certain HD audio controller hardware.
- This update addresses an issue that affects MSInfo.exe. It reports the wrong enforcement status of the Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC) user mode policy.
- This update addresses an issue that affects certain systems that have firmware Trusted Platform Modules. (TPM). This issue stops you from using AutoPilot to set up those systems.
- This update addresses an issue that affects printing in landscape mode in Microsoft Edge. The print output is incorrect. This issue occurs when you use Microsoft Defender Application Guard.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Resilient File System (ReFS) MSba tag. The issue causes a nonpaged pool leak.
- This update addresses an issue that affects the Resilient File System (ReFS). The issue causes high nonpaged pool usage, which depletes system memory.
- If you installed earlier updates, only the new updates contained in this package will be downloaded and installed on your device.
Seperti yang dapat kamu lihat dalam daftar diatas, kini OneDrive Storage Alert juga dihadirkan di Windows 10, dimana pada halaman Settings, nanti akan ada pemberitahuan jika seandainya kapasitas OneDrive kamu telah habis, sama seperti yang dihadirkan di Windows 11 dalam update terbaru juga.
Baca Juga : Microsoft Rilis Update KB5019274 Untuk Windows 11 Insider Release Preview
Nah meskipun memang saat ini Windows 10 terkesan cukup ditinggalkan Microsoft terutama dari segi pengembangannya, namun untuk kamu yang masih setia dengan OS ini, tentu mendapatkan update ini adalah hal yang direkomendasikan, mengingat ada beberapa perbaikan penting didalamnya guys.
Update ini bisa kamu dapatkan di halaman Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Optional updates available, atau kamu bisa mendownloadnya secara langsung dari halaman Microsoft Update Catalog berikut.
Via : Microsoft