Selain merilis update untuk Windows 11 Insider Beta Channel, Microsoft juga merilis PowerToys versi 0.65 yang mana sayangnya dalam update ini tidak ada fitur baru yang dihadirkan, melainkan hanya ada sejumlah peningkatan pada sejumlah fitur dari PowerToys saja.
Baca Juga : Cara Mengedit File Host dengan Microsoft PowerToys
Nah karena tidak ada fitur baru yang diperkenalkan, langsung saja deh berikut adalah changelog dari PowerToys 0.65.
Yang di Highlight
- The codebase was upgraded to work with .NET 7. Thanks @snickler!
- Quick Accent can now show a description of the selected character. Thanks @Aaron-Junker!
- ColorPicker now supports adding custom formats.
Peningkatan yang dihadirkan
- Downgraded the ModernWPF dependency to 0.9.4 to avoid issues on certain virtualization technologies. (This was a hotfix for 0.64)
- Upgraded and fixed the code to work with .NET 7. Thanks @snickler!
Always on Top
- Added telemetry for the pinning/unpinning events.
- Added telemetry.
- Removed exiting Awake from the tray icon when starting from the runner. Utilities started from the runner should be disabled in the Settings to avoid discrepancies.
Color Picker
- Fixed an infinite loop due to a looping UI refresh. (This was a hotfix for 0.64)
- Added a feature to allow users to create their own color formats.
- Fixed an issue that caused turning off spaces between zones to not apply correctly. (This was a hotfix for 0.64)
- Prevent the shift key press from trickling down to the focused window. Thanks @davidegiacometti!
- Fixed a bug causing FancyZones to try resizing hidden windows.
- Fixed the focus layout preview being empty on first run in the editor.
- Fixed UI margin in the “Create new layout” dialog.
- Fixed window positioning issues when switching between virtual desktops.
- Fixed snapping by hotkey in single zone layouts.
File explorer add-ons
- Added .log file support to the Monaco preview handler. Thanks @Eagle3386!
File Locksmith
- Query system and other users processes when elevated. (This was a hotfix for 0.64)
- Icon and UI fixes. Thanks @niels9001! (This was a hotfix for 0.64)
File Locksmith
- Removed a obsolete dependency from the admx file to fix importing on Intune. Thanks @htcfreek! (This was a hotfix for 0.64)
Hosts File Editor
- Added a scrollbar to the additional lines dialog. Thanks @davidegiacometti! (This was a hotfix for 0.64)
- Updated the plus icon. Thanks @niels9001! (This was a hotfix for 0.64)
- Prevent the new entry content dialog from overlapping the title bar.
- Updated the name for the additional lines feature. Thanks @htcfreek!
- Added a workaround for an issue causing the context menu not opening on right-click. Thanks @davidegiacometti!
Image Resizer
- Fixed a silent crash when trying to show the tier 1 context menu on Windows 11.
PowerToys Run
- Added pinyin support to the search. Thanks @frg2089!
- Fixed an error in the TimeZone plugin preventing searching for standard time zones. Thanks @Tantalus13A98B5F!
- Added the English abbreviations as fallbacks in the UnitConverter plugin. Thanks @Tantalus13A98B5F!
Quick Accent
- Added mappings for the mu, omicron, upsilon and thorn characters.
- Added a setting to exclude apps from activating Quick Accent.
- Fixed an issue causing the selector to trigger when leaving the lock screen. Thanks @damienleroy!
- Added the Croatian, Netherlands, Swedish and Welsh character sets. Thanks @damienleroy!
- Added support for more unicode characters. Thanks @char-46!
- Shift-space can now navigate backwards in the selector. Thanks @davidegiacometti!
- Added the Catalan accented characters. Thanks @ivocarbajo and @codingneko!
- Added the Kurdish accented characters.
- Added the Serbian accented characters. Thanks @damienleroy!
- Added the Irish and Scottish accented characters.
- Added the description for the currently selected character in the selector.
- Fixed a bug causing the selector window to appear blank.
- Fixed a crash on a racing condition accessing the IPC communication with Settings.
- Fixed settings name in the QuickAccent page. Thanks @htcfreek!
- Added a message indicating there’s no network available when looking for updates.
- Fixed an error causing the backup/restore feature to not find the backup file. Thanks @jefflord!
- Fixed localization for the “All apps” expression in the keyboard manager page.
- UI refactoring, clean-up and bringing in modern controls. Thanks @niels9001!
- Improved settings/OOBE screens text. Thanks @Jay-o-Way!
- The backup/restore feature also backs up FancyZones layouts.
Shortcut Guide
- Added a setting to make the shortcuts and taskbar icons have different configurable response times. Thanks @OkamiWong!
Video Conference Mute
- Changed the warning about deprecating Video Conference Mute to saying it’s going to go into legacy mode, thanks to community feedback. (This was a hotfix for 0.64)
Nah untuk kamu yang belum menggunakan Microsoft PowerToys, kamu bisa langsung saja meluncur ke halaman Microsoft Store berikut atau mendownload installernya secara langsung dari halaman GitHub berikut.
Atau kamu bisa melakukan check for updates pada aplikasi PowerToys secara langsung guys.