Selain merilis Windows 10 20H2 atau Windows 10 October 2020 Update, Microsoft juga telah merilis Edge Chromium 88 ke Dev Channel, dimana dalam update ini membawa sejumlah fitur baru dan peningkatan yang kini lebih stabil untuk digunakan.
Salah satu hal yang mungkin menarik dari update ini adalah hadirnya favorite menu baru dengan struktur dropdown atau tree, dimana kini untuk membuka website yang tersimpan disana, jadi lebih rapi dan tidak memenuhi bagian layar.

Selain itu ada juga sejumlah peningkatan lain yang hadir dalam versi ini, termasuk peningkatan fitur web capture, dimana kini kamu dapat menambahkan sebuah catatan dan mencurat coret apa yang kamu screenshot sebelumnya.

Baca Juga : Fitur Web Capture di Edge Chromium Dapatkan Dukungan Anotasi
Sebagian fitur memang sudah dikabarkan ketika perilisan Edge Chromium 88 masih berada di Edge Canary, dan bagi kamu yang penasaran, berikut changelog lengkapnya.
Fitur Yang di Tambahkan
- Added the ability to take a screenshot of a webpage and add ink to it.
- Added extra error information to tabs when they crash due to sandbox conflict.
- Improved Single Sign-On support on Mac.
- Added a management policy to control the Edge Shopping Assistant. Note that updates to documentation and administrative templates havent been made yet.
- Added a management policy to configure how URLs are copied from Edge. Note that updates to documentation and administrative templates havent happened yet.
- Added a management policy to prevent the automatic redirection of incompatible websites from Internet Explorer to Edge. Note that this policy specifically prevents the installation of a component in Internet Explorer required for redirection to occur, and updates to documentation and administrative templates havent happened yet.
- Added a management policy to control the automatic redirection of incompatible websites from Internet Explorer to Edge. Note that this redirection is enabled by default, and updates to documentation and administrative templates havent happened yet.
- Added a management policy to hide the informational dialog thats shown the first time an automatic redirection from an incompatible website in Internet Explorer to Edge occurs. Note that hiding this popup also disables the automatic import of user data from Internet Explorer to Edge and updates to documentation and administrative templates havent happened yet.
- Deprecated the management policy to allow WebDriver to Override Incompatible Policies.
Peningkatan Reliability dan Perubahan Behavior
- Fixed an issue where the prompt to restore tabs isnt shown when Edge is automatically closed due to the device restarting or turning off.
- Fixed an issue where attaching a file while submitting feedback sometimes crashes the browser.
- Fixed a crash when closing the browser.
- Fixed a crash when installing a website as an app.
- Fixed a hang when opening the browser.
- Fixed a hang when closing the browser.
- Fixed a hang when disabling an extension.
- Fixed a hang when opening a website installed as an app.
- Fixed an issue where clearing hosted app data when closing the browser also clears cookies.
- Fixed an issue where default.log files are sometimes created in various user-visible locations on a device.
- Fixed an issue where folders in the Favorites menu dont remember that they were previously open.
- Fixed an issue where websites installed as apps sometimes use icons that are too big on the Start menu.
- Fixed an issue where form fields in some PDFs cant be filled in.
- Fixed an issue where dropdowns on webpages sometimes cant be used or closed.
- Fixed an issue where dragging a link into the tab band to open a new tab doesnt work in fullscreen because Shy UI doesnt appear. Note that this has only been fixed for mouse users, and a fix for touch users is still needed.
- Fixed an issue where sites that are supposed to open in IE mode sometimes open in regular tabs.
- Fixed an issue where dialogs in IE mode tabs would sometimes prevent other Edge windows from being usable.
- Fixed an issue where opening an IE mode tab sometimes causes full Internet Explorer to open.
Untuk Known Issues, lengkapnya dapat kamu lihat pada halaman Microsoft berikut.
Selain hadirnya Edge Chromium 88 ke Dev Channel, tentu Edge Chromium 87 yang sebelumnya ada di Dev Channel kini telah hadir di Beta Channel.
Jadi untuk pengguna Edge Chromium, baik Beta dan Dev, kini dapat melakukan update untuk mendapatkan pembaruan menarik pada setiap versi Edge Chromium tersebut.
Via : Microsoft