Minggu ini selain merilis cumulative update untuk Windows 10 dan Windows 11, Microsoft juga merilis update baru KB5035955 Untuk Windows 11 Insider Beta, nah selain itu tentu Microsoft juga menghadirkan build baru untuk para pengguna Windows 11 Insider Dev dan Canary.
Nah perlu diketahui juga nih, sama seperti update diminggu lalu, update Insider Dev dan Canary ini masih digabung dalam satu build yang sama yang kali ini adalah build 26080. Namun, kedua versi Insider ini akan mendapatkan nomor build yang berbeda dibagian akhir dimana Insider Canary akan mendapatkan Build 26080.1 sementaar Insider Dev akan mendapatkan Build 26080.1100.
Apa yang baru di Build 26080
Mulai Build ini ada sejumlah hal baru yang diperkenalkan Microsoft dimana yang pertama adalah Pengguna Microsoft Teams akan mendapatkan akses ke preview experience dari Microsoft Teams baru di Windows. Nah Microsoft Teams kini akan tersedia sebagai satu aplikasi baik itu pengguna Work or School atau Personal.

Dengan kata lain, dengan unified preview app experience ini, Microsoft Teams tidak lagi akan dipisah dalam label berbeda seperti Microsoft Teams (work or school) atau Microsoft Teams (free) dan akan berdiri dalam satu label yang sama yaitu Microsoft Teams saja.
Selain itu, Microsoft Teams juga mendapatkan lebih banyak peningkatan dengan kemudahan untuk bergabung ke Meeting dari akun manapun yang kamu punya.

Begitu pula dengan peningkatan notifikasi yang kini akan menghadirkan detail yang lebih jelas di Notifications Center. Dan berikut adalah hal yang perlu kamu tahu mengenai peningkatan Microsoft Teams di Build ini :
- This unified preview app experience is labeled “Microsoft Teams (work or school)”. The app name will be automatically updated to “Microsoft Teams” in future releases.
- This is a preview release, and you will notice some changes from your current experience using Microsoft Teams (free) and Microsoft Teams (work or school). These changes and more updates will continue until we reach general availability. Notably in this release, Teams will launch into a separate icon for single accounts.
- We will remove the standalone consumer app, “Microsoft Teams (free)”, in future releases.
- If you lose access to either Teams applications through use of the Windows Insiders Program, you can access your preferred Teams application from this download page.
- For Enterprise Admins, the ability to sign in with Microsoft accounts will be part of a normal monthly update, there is no new app to install if you have new Teams. The functionality is targeted for preview in April and general availability in May. The ability for users to sign in with Microsoft accounts will follow all sign in restriction polices as it has for all versions of Teams. Admins can learn more in Message Center (MC719659).
- [ADDED] This preview version of Microsoft Teams is immediately available on clean installs of Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26080 and higher.
- [ADDED] Existing Windows Insiders need to be on Microsoft Teams version 24057.2000.2723.3544 or higher to see this capability, which is rolling out gradually.
Selain itu, Copilot di Windows juga kini mendapatkan lebih banyak peningkatan pada sejumlah perintah, mulai dari mematikan dan menghidupkan narrator, membersihkan recycle bin, dan lainnya yang diantaranya mencakup :
- Ask for available wireless networks.
- Ask for system or device information.
- Ask for battery information.
- Ask to clean storage.
- Ask to empty recycle bin.
- Ask to toggle battery saver.
- Ask to show startup apps.
- Ask for your IP address.
- Ask for system, device, or storage information.
Beberapa peningkatan lainnya juga telah diungkap dalam artikel berikut. Termasuk kini Copilot telah mendapatkan plugin Power Automate yang akan meningkatkan kinerja Copilot dalam hal automation.
Kemudian, seperti yang telah dilaporkan dalam artikel sebelumnya, Copilot di Windows Dapatkan Desain Layaknya Aplikasi Normal di Windows 11, dimana kini Copilot bisa di undock dari side panel dan bisa pengguna pindah layaknya jendela aplikasi pada umumnya.

Beberapa Peningkatan Lainnya
Nah selain beberapa hal diatas, ada sejumlah peningkatan lainnya termasuk opsi live captions yang bisa pengguna tampahkan di quick settings.

Kemudian diperbaruinya desain progress bar di Taskbar seperti pada gambar berikut :

Kemudian ada peningkatan di File Explorer dengan opsi Do this for all conflicts jika kamu tengah melakukan copy paste pada file.

Dihapusnya What’s new link di Windows Update untuk para pengguna Windows insider, dimana link what’s new ini kini dikhususkan / akan tampil untuk para pengguna versi Stabil saja.
Dan beberapa peningkatan lain yang mencakup :
- [ADDED] Building off the printer improvements first introduced with Build 26020, we have added the ability to rename your printer directly from Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Printers & scanner.
- IMPORTANT NOTE FOR DEV DRIVE USERS: Insiders on Build 26068 and higher who have Dev Drives should no longer see their Dev Drives breaking when rolling back as long as you roll back to Build 26063 and higher. Rolling back to earlier builds may still result in issues with Dev Drives.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Fixed an issue causing Windows Update in Settings to not load or crash in Build 26063. If you are still on Build 26063 and encounter this, rebooting may resolve the issue. If it doesn’t, the update should still eventually download on its own – appreciate your patience.
- Fixed an issue for Narrator not working when setting up a device or in Advanced Startup.
- Fixed an issue where if you turned the Copilot icon off and back on in Settings never showed it on your taskbar again.
- Fixed a memory leak related to showing the tooltip for the date and time in the taskbar when you had enabled additional clocks.
- Fixed an underlying issue believed to be the cause of some Insiders finding File Explorer had started freezing and using unexpectedly high CPU in the last couple builds. Please file feedback in the Feedback Hub if you continue experiencing this after upgrading.
- Fixed an issue where your preference for “Show extracted files when complete” when extracting files in File Explorer wasn’t persisting across upgrades.
- Fixed a timing issue where when you start a search from Home in File Explorer, it might unexpectedly show no results the first time you tried.
- Fixed an issue causing the Details view in File Explorer to be unexpectedly cramped in recent builds when using compact mode.
- Made a change to help address an issue where after a DWM crash, when you opened File Explorer it could just show a blank area on top instead of rendering the area correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the 7zip and ZIP compression options weren’t displaying correctly for Insiders with the English (United Kingdom) display language.
- Fixed an issue which could lead to your GPU showing as -1 in Task Manager.
- Fixed an issue where Task Manager may unexpectedly show no GPU % used (when that was not the case).
- Fixed an issue impacting Task Manager reliability.
- Fixed an issue causing HDMI connected devices to not have audio in the last few builds.
- Fixed an issue causing the input switcher (WIN + Space) design to revert to an older style and draw in the wrong location.
- Fixed an issue where DWM could hang when writing with pen in Snipping Tool.
- Fixed a high hitting ctfmon.exe crash, which could impact the ability to input text.
- Fixed an issue where magnifier wasn’t following the mouse cursor when centered on screen in recent builds.
- Fixed an issue where mouse cursor shadows (if enabled) were not rendered correctly with large cursors.
- Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor was unexpectedly leaving a trail of mice on the screen.
- Fixed an issue which could lead to some mice and keyboards not working in safe mode.
- Fixed an issue where when waking your PC from sleep in Build 26063 the touchpad might be banged out in Device Manager, resulting in the mouse cursor not showing when you tried to use it.
- Fixed an issue where a Display Connection section was incorrectly showing up under Settings > System > Display > Graphics that when clicked, would crash Settings.
- Fixed an issue where a brightness slider might not show in Settings > System > Display in recent builds even though a brightness slider was available for you to use in Quick Settings.
- Fixed an underlying issue which could lead to Snipping Tool hanging.
- Fixed an underlying dxgi.dll issue which led to some app and game crashes in Build 26058+.
- Fixed an underlying issue with winmmbase.dll which could lead to app crashes in Build 26058+.
- Fixed an issue related to tcpip.sys which was causing some Insiders to see bugchecks with UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP in the last few builds.
- Fixed an issue which was causing some Insiders to see bugchecks with SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION in the last few builds.
- Fixed an issue which was causing some Insiders to see bugchecks with DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION in the last few builds.
- Fixed an issue where if you attempted to use the Windows Update troubleshooter, it would show error 0x803C010A.
Known Issues
Nah sementara itu ada beberapa known issues baru di build ini dimana salah satunya mencakup perintah “sudo pwsh” tidak akan bekerja di build ini dan beberapa bug di Copilot yang mencakup :
- [NEW] Voice access does not work reliably with the updated Copilot in Windows experience that introduces the ability for Copilot to act like a normal application window noted in the above blog post.
- [NEW] Using Windows Ink to write in Copilot will not work with the updated Copilot in Windows experience that introduces the ability for Copilot to act like a normal application window noted in the above blog post.
- [NEW] When Copilot in Windows is docked and resized to a large width, Copilot does not always fill the width of the panel. Resizing Copilot to less than half of the width of your screen usually fixes this issue.
Untuk kamu yang saat ini menjadi pengguna Windows 11 Insider Dev dan Canary, kamu sudah bisa mendapatkan build ini dari halaman Settings > Windows Update > Check for updates.
Dan perlu diingat bahwa jika kamu pengguna Insider Canary kamu akan mendapatkan build 26080.1 sementara Insider Dev akan mendapatkan build 26080.1100.
Via : Microsoft