Tanggal 18 Agustus 2023 kemarin, Microsoft merilis Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 23526 untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel, dimana bersamaan dengan build tersebut, Microsoft telah memperpanjang expired date dari Windows Insider Dev hingga 15 September 2024.
Selain itu, ada sejumlah fitur baru yang diperkenalkan termasuk adanya pembaruan pada tooltip di Start menu untuk files yang tidak memiliki rich thumbnail preview seperti yang tampil pada gambar dibawah.

Sementara itu, ada tambahan pada peningkatan Cast yang diperkenalkan pertama kali pada Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 23516, dimana kini kamu akan melihat opsi can’t find a devices pada Cast Flyout.

Secara umum, peningkatan yang dihadirkan memang tidak membawa banyak fitur baru, namun untuk kamu yang sebelumnya mungkin mendapati sejumlah masalah seperti tombol reset folder di folder options justru membuat file explorer crash, kamu wajib memperbarui system kamu ke Build terbaru ini.
Selain itu ada sejumlah perbaikan lain yang mana changelog lengkapnya bisa kamu lihat pada daftar berikut:
- Fixed an issue that was making the System label in Start’s all apps list the wrong color in high contrast themes.
- Fixed an issue where if you attempt to uninstall certain apps, it would just open Settings and not navigate to the Installed Apps page.
- Fixed an issue where the taskbar wasn’t loading for some Insiders when logging into their PC after installing the previous build.
- Disabled the setting for uncombining taskbar buttons on other screens by default when no secondary monitors are connected.
- Fixed an issue where if the taskbar was set to uncombined it would still show animations even if they’d been turned off.
- Fixed an issue where app icons on the taskbar would become empty (with no icon) in recent Insider builds after switching between desktops.
- Fixed an issue where the hidden icons flyout might close unexpectedly when using keyboard navigation to move focus between icons.
- Fixed an issue where using drag to rearrange icons in the overflow area wasn’t working well when the taskbar was set to uncombined.
- Fixed an issue where the new bell icon might be very difficult to see in some cases because it was using a dark outline when your taskbar was dark.
- Fixed an issue where if you had enabled the End Task option in the taskbar, the setting wouldn’t persist across upgrades.
- Fixed an issue where after upgrading the Bluetooth icon in the system tray might not display in the system tray after upgrade even though your PC supported Bluetooth and the Bluetooth options were shown in Settings.
- Fixed a high hitting explorer.exe crash when launching or interacting with File Explorer in the last couple flights.
- Fixed an issue where using the Reset Folders button in Folder Options could cause explorer.exe to crash.
- Fixed an issue where the chevrons in the File Explorer address bar were pointing in the wrong direction if your display language was set to Arabic or Hebrew.
- Fixed an issue where saving files to OneDrive locations in File Explorer could take a very long time, making it seem like the app you were saving from had become unresponsive, in the latest Insider builds.
- Fixed an issue where the context menu and dropdown menus in File Explorer weren’t working with touch.
- Made another fix for the issue causing the context menu and dropdown menu backgrounds to be transparent.
- Fixed an issue where the menu shown when doing a right click drag on one of the newly supported archive formats didn’t have an extract option like it does for zip files.
- Fixed an issue where Dev Drives might not auto-mount after upgrading to a new build, causing apps that tried to access them to not work.
- Improved error messages if Dev Drives fail to format.
- Fixed an issue related to the use of Dev Drives which could cause a bugcheck with an INVALID DATA TRAP on upgrade (and then the upgrade would roll back).
- Fixed an issue which could cause sporadic explorer.exe crashes when using an HDR wallpaper.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator was not reading various list items in a combo box on various web pages when navigating with up and down arrow.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator was incorrectly announcing combo boxes as read-only even when users could actually select different values from the combo box list items.
- Addressed the issue where Narrator was not announcing the checked and unchecked status of radio buttons but was announcing selected for every item.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator was announcing older information while navigating in date/time picker using arrow keys .
- Fixed an issue where Narrator was incorrectly reading contents of previous cell and the current cell when navigating in a table using right and left arrow keys.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator is incorrectly reading older Window title even after navigating to inner control.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator is reading entire paragraph when up arrow is invoked in online word document.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator was incorrectly reading out last word of previous paragraph when a new paragraph started with a punctuation mark.
- Fixed a bug where Narrator was not announcing the character being deleted when using backspace key in some text fields on the web.
- Fixed an issue in narrator where while entering any number in CVV edit field, Narrator should only announce as “hidden”, instead of “CVV edit, hidden new line selected”.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator is not able to detect different headings on some web pages in scan mode while using “h” key to navigate.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator scan mode arrow navigation skipped first item in container.
- Fixed an issue, where Narrator is skipping the first item after navigating via landmark using “d” key in scan mode.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator focus did not move past the first check box if there was a list of check boxes when using up and down arrow key in scan mode.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator was not activating combo box when navigating using up and down arrow and using enter/spacebar to activate it in scan mode.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator would collapse the combo boxes in scan mode when navigating with up and down arrows.
- Fixed an issue where navigation commands are not executed as expected in a dialog box when you enter the dialog the second time.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator find was not working consistently on web pages when using Narrator key + Ctrl + F key combination.
- Fixed an issue where typing with the Japanese and Chinese IMEs may not have performed as expected in certain apps in the last few flights when you had selected the option to use the previous version of the IME. If you are continuing to experience issues with this build installed, please file feedback.
- Fixed an issue where when inking into a text field, if you were writing in Chinese, certain characters were being perceived as taps and not working.
- Fixed an issue where inking into a text field while magnifier was running was not working well as the ink was offset.
- Fixed an issue where removing a monitor while connected to a Cloud PC could result in a black screen with only a mouse visible in recent builds.
- Made some fixes to improve how the Share dialog worked with screen readers, as well as addressing some other accessibility issues.
Nah ada banyak banget bukan?, Jadi jika kamu adalah pengguna Windows 11 Insider Dev Channel, ada baiknya kamu memperbarui system kamu ke Build 23526 yang bisa kamu lakukan via Settings > Windows Update > Check for Updates.
Sementara itu, kamu juga telah bisa mendownload file ISO dari Build 23526 ini loh, kamu cukup download saja file ISO dari halaman Microsoft berikut, jika kamu lebih tertarik untuk melakukan clean install mulai dari build ini.
Via : Microsoft