Beberapa waktu lalu, Microsoft merilis update baru untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel, update yang dihadirkan sendiri akan membawa Build OS menjadi 25140, dan tentunya ada banyak sekali perbaikan yang dihadirkan, termasuk penigkatan pada glyphs baru untuk euphemia typeface.

Nah perbaikan yang dihadirkan sendiri mencakup perbaikan pada File Explorer, seperti perbaikan pada dragging dan rearrange tabs, perbaikan active tab color yang tidak sesuai., dan perbaikan lainnya.
Selain itu ada sejumlah perbaikan seperti pada Task Manager, dan perbaikan masalah pada x64 emulation di perangkat ARM64.
Nah jika kamu penasaran, berikut adalah changelog pada Windows 11 Insider Dev Channel Build 25140:
- Fixed an issue which was leading some people to unexpectedly see error 0x80070026 when copying files from network drives.
- Fixed an issue where the active tab color didnt match the command bar below it.
- Fixed an issue where dragging to rearrange tabs wasnt working sometimes.
- Fixed an issue which could cause artifacts in the windows thumbnail preview in the taskbar if File Explorer was maximized and you used WIN + M to minimize it.
- If you go to rename a drive label in System > Storage > Disks & Volumes, the current drive name will now be prepopulated in the dialog.
- Fixed an issue where selecting English (New Zealand) in OOBE was unexpectedly leading to the Arabic (101) keyboard getting selected.
- Setting language bar hotkeys for switching input directly to specific non-IME input method should work now.
- Some languages dont support the speech recognition FOD. When an admin user tried to install one of those languages using the new Install-Language CopyToSettings command, some settings such as new user account locale, Input (Keyboard), and UPLL (User Preferred Language List) were not getting updated. This issue has now been fixed.
- Fixed an issue causing Batang, BatangChe, Gungsuh, and GungsuhChe fonts to not render Korean correctly when using Office online apps when these fonts were not locally present on your PC.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when switching modes in pages other than the Processes page.
- We made a small adjustment to the intensity of the colors used in the heatmap on the Processes page.
- Fixed an issue where calls to CopyAcceleratorTable and CreateAcceleratorTable would fail if the LPACCEL parameter was the address of an odd numbered index into an array of ACCEL structs.
- Fixed an issue with x64 emulation on ARM64 which could result in certain apps crashing on launch with error code 0xc0000409.
- Fixed an issue causing audio to stop playing in certain apps after a minute.
Pada update ini, sayangnya tidak ada fitur baru yang diperkenalkan, jadi jika kamu mengharapkan fitur baru, sayangnya belum ada yang bisa kamu coba saat ini.
Namun jika kamu mengharapkan sejumlah perbaikan pada bug yang mungkin kemarin kamu rasakan di build sebelumnya, memperbarui OS kamu ke versi ini bisa kamu coba.
Langsung saja meluncur ke settings > windows update, dan download Windows 11 Insider Dev Channel Build 25140.
Via : Microsoft