Update kedua untuk pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel hadir di tahun 2023 ini, dimana update ini akan mengubah Build OS menjadi 25276 yang mana membawa sejumlah hal baru di Windows 11.
Nah salah satu yang berubah di build ini adalah hadirnya fitur baru di Task Manager, dimana kini pengguna bisa membuat live kernel memory dumps di Task Manager.

Seperti pada gambar diatas, pada bagian process pengguna bisa klik kanan pada system process kemudian klik Create live kernel memory dump file yang mana ketika di klik, file dump akan disimpan di %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\TaskManager\LiveKernelDumps
Selain itu ada perubahan lain mencakup pembaruan pada cloud storage di Settings Windows 11, dimana kini jika cloud storage onedrive habis, pengguna akan diberitahu bahwa mereka tidak akan bisa mengirim dan mendapatkan email di outlook.com.
Baca Juga : Ada Detail Tambahan Mengenai Low OneDrive Storage di Windows Insider Dev Channel

Selain itu tentunya masih ada hal lain loh, dimana salah satunya adalah informasi mengenai compatibility apps di Windows 11, dimana jika aplikasi tidak mendukung Windows 11, maka akan ada pemberitahuan seperti pada gambar contoh berikut.

Lalu ada juga perbaikan yang cukup banyak, termasuk perbaikan pada Taskbar, File Explorer dan lainnya yang mana itu mencakup sebagai berikut:
- We are temporarily disabling the updated the Windows Security (firewall) notification dialogs that match the Windows 11 visuals that we introduced with Build 25267. We plan to re-introduce this change in a future flight after addressing some bugs.
- Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25267 and later Pro editions no longer allow a user to connect to a remote share by using guest credentials by default, even if the remote server requests guest credentials. This matches the stronger security of the Enterprise and Education editions thats been in place since Windows 10, to further improve Windows 11 default security. For more information on this behavior and to configure insecure guest authentication to a third party SMB server device that only supports guest authentication, review this documentation.
- Fixed an issue where switching windows through taskbar previews wasnt working.
- Fixed multiple explorer.exe crashes affecting the system tray.
- When opening a flyout from the taskbar, pressing the Esc key to close the flyout should now return keyboard focus to the button it was invoked from.
- We fixed the layout issues with the text in the search box on taskbar when using right-to-left display languages like Arabic.
- Fixed an issue where the selected search style in Taskbar Settings wasnt persisting across updates. This setting should persist now on subsequent Insider Preview build upgrades.
- Fixed an explorer.exe crash which could happen when opening File Explorer, related to loading your recent files.
- Voice access will now work correctly for entering numbers in the Calculator app.
- Fixed a crash when giving move left and right commands with voice access.
- Fixed an issue where the insert text button wasnt working when using the Pinyin IME in double pinyin mode.
- Fixed an issue where the widgets board will get stuck open in an invisible state for Insiders in China (and potentially others), causing clicks on the left side of the screen to not work. If youre continuing to experience this, please make sure to check the Microsoft Store for the latest app updates.
- To improve clarity, when Windows Defender Credential Guard is enabled, when attempting to use remote desktop with default credentials, it will now explicitly say Windows Defender Credential Guard does not allow using Windows logon credentials. Please enter your credentials.
Sedangkan untuk known issues, ada dua hal baru yang juga ditambahkan Microsoft dalam halaman release note-nya, dimana itu mencakup :
- [NEW] Some users are experiencing longer than expected update times installing recent builds. We are actively investigating this issue.
- [NEW] Were investigating reports that some Insiders are experiencing freezes when using the browser and certain other apps after the previous Dev Channel flight.
Keduanya akan dibahas secara terpisah dalam artikel selanjutnya ya. Nah untuk kamu para pembaca WinPoin yang menggunakan Windows 11 Insider Dev Channel, kamu bisa langsung saja meluncur ke halaman Settings > Windows Update > Check for Update > kemudian download Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 25276 yang tersedia disana.
Via : Microsoft