Seperti biasa, hari kamis adalah hari dimana Microsoft merilis build baru untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel, dimana di minggu ini, pengguna Windows 11 Insider Dev akan mendapatkan Build 25300 yang tentu membawa sejumlah fitur baru didalamnya.
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Nah membahas fitur baru, di Build ini kita akan mendapatkan Live Captions dengan dukungan bahasa yang lebih banyak, dimana itu mencakup bahasa Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish dan sejumlah variasi bahasa Inggris.

Selain itu, Snap Layout juga kini mendapatkan peningkatan baru dimana pengguna bisa melihat icon dari aplikasi di Snap Layout seperti pada gambar berikut .

Untuk peningkatan lainnya, Voice Typing juga mendapatkan peningkatan dimana kini pengguna bisa melakukan sync voice typing settings perangkat kamu cukup dengan menhubungkannya dengan satu akun Microsoft yang sama, pengaturan ini bisa kamu settings di halaman Settings > Accounts > Windows backup > Remember my preferences > Accessibility.
Sementara itu, masih berkaitan dengan halaman Settings, pada halaman Apps > Startup, kini disana menampilkan informasi dari aplikasi yang terdaftar dengan lebih detail, kemudian ketika kamu klik kanan aplikasi (win32) di Start menu atau di Windows Search, kemudian memilih uninstall, maka kamu akan diarahkan kehalaman settings terlebih dahulu untuk melakukan uninstall aplikasi.
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Nah untuk peningkatan lain, tentu saja ada, dimana itu termasuk perbaikan pada sejumlah fitur dan kemampuan dari Windows 11 itu sendiri, diantaranya mencakup:
- Improved the upgrade experience to the new Windows Subsystem for Linux Store app (mentioned in Build 25272), so it now prompts for installation if wsl.exe is invoked.
- We fixed the underlying issue related to combase.dll, causing crashes with multiple apps using GetKnownFolder APIs after upgrading to Build 25290, including Notepad and Windows Terminal for IME users. This issue is also believed to be the root cause of some Insiders finding that certain actions in File Explorer were taking minutes to complete in these builds.
- We fixed the issue causing rendering issues and difficulty using Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE).
- Fixed an issue where some users experienced issues authenticating into enterprise websites that require windows integrated authentication.
- The ability to show seconds in the clock on the system tray, first introduced with Build 25247, should return after updating to Build 25300 if it had disappeared for you after updating to Build 25295 last week.
- Fixed an issue that was causing taskbar to be cut off after resolution changes.
- We fixed an issue where when hovering over app icons on the taskbar could switch window focus unexpectedly.
- As a result of fixing the issue causing third-party widgets to get unpinned when signed in with a Microsoft account across multiple Windows 11 devices, the most recent Widgets update in the Dev Channel will unpin third-party widgets. Insiders will need to go back to their widgets board and re-pin these widgets again. If you still see issues where widgets are being unpinned unexpectedly please file feedback.
- The link for Find more widgets in the widgets picker currently is no longer broke and will point to the Store collection here.
- We are beginning to roll out a fix for an issue where the IME candidate window and IME toolbar werent shown or cropped sometimes.
- Drag and dropping files and folders across tabs should work again.
- Process names typed into the search box should no longer unexpectedly get spellchecked.
- Fixed a couple of issues with how Narrator was reading out content in Task Manager.
- Fixed an issue where the dropdowns in settings might not match your currently selected theme.
- When using search on the App History page, results should no longer suddenly disappear.
- If you open the Default Start Page dropdown in settings, clicking the Task Manager window should make the dropdown disappear now.
- Dragging the window using the search box area should work now (like other areas of the title bar).
- Fixed an issue where ending processes in the Details tab wasnt showing a confirmation dialog.
- Increasing the text scaling should no longer result in a see more button appearing with no contents.
- If you do a search and then press the down arrow, keyboard focus should now move from the search box into the results.
- If you have a contrast theme enabled and select one of the rows in the Processes page, that row should now show that its selected.
- Fixed an issue where focus might not get set properly to search, leading to Narrator not saying that focus was on the search box.
- Fixed an issue where Narrators focus wasnt going back to the Quick Settings window correctly when using the back button in the Cast page.
Known Issues
Untuk Known issues sendiri, ada satu bug baru yang dicatat hadir di OS ini, dimana tombol new di Snipping Tool mungkin tidak akan berfungsi untuk sejumlah insider setelah pengguna memperbarui Build mereka ke Build 25295, untuk mengatasinya, pengguna bisa mengatur Default Apps dan kemudian Settings ms-screenclip sebagai default.
Nah itu saja mungkin sedikit hal dari Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 25300, untuk kamu pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel, kamu bisa langsung saja mendownload Build ini melalui halaman Settings > Windows Update > kemudian download dan install Windows 11 Insider Dev Build 25300 yang tersedia disana.
Via : Microsoft