Hari ini Microsoft kembali merilis build baru untuk para pengguna Windows Insider Dev Channel, dimana kini Build yang dihadirkan adalah Build 25163 yang tentunya membawa beberapa hal baru termasuk banyaknya perbaikan yang dihadirkan.
Nah mari kita sedikit bahas guys, yang pertama ada peningkatan Nearby sharing, dimana fitur ini kemarin sudah kita bahas di Update KB5015888 Untuk Windows 11 Insider Beta, yang mana dengan fitur ini kini Nearby Sharing sudah ditingkatkan menggunakan UDP dengan catatan bahwa konfigurasi jaringan harus di setting ke private besamaan dengan diaktifkannya bluetooth untuk mencari perangkat terdekat.

Selain itu ada peningkatan pada Share Local Files ke OneDrive, dimana kini OneDrive mendapatkan kemampuan untuk membagikan local files ke Onedrive secara langsung, dimana opsi Onedrive bisa kamu temukan di menu share, seperti pada gambar berikut.

Selain kedua hal tersebut yang sebelumnya sudah kita bahas di artikel sebelumnya, Microsoft juga kini menghadirkan Taskbar Overflow di Windows 11 Insider Build 25163, dimana kini kamu bisa lebih produktif dengan taskbar, bahkan ketika taskbar sudah penuh dengan aplikasi yang terbuka.

Nah seperti pada gambar diatas, kini kamu cukup klik saja (…) yang ada di taskbar untuk menampilkan semua aplikasi yang disembunyikan karena taskbar yang sudah penuh. Peningkatan ini tentunya paling penting menurut saya, apalagi jika kamu terbiasa membuka banyak aplikasi dalam satu waktu.
Perbaikan Yang Dihadirkan
Nah selain tiga fitur baru diatas, ada banyak perbaikan yang dihadirkan di Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25163, dimana beberapa diantaranya adalah:
- Fixed an explorer.exe crash when dragging tabs around.
- Did some work to fix a memory leak when using tabs with File Explorer.
- Fixed an issue where the preview thumbnail for File Explorer in the taskbar, ALT + Tab, and Task View might show the title of an adjacent tab and not the currently selected one.
- If Show all folders is enabled, the dividers in File Explorers navigation pane should no longer show. With this change, it should also address the issues where dividers were unexpectedly showing in some other folder pickers.
- Fixed an issue where Narrator wasnt reading out the titles of tabs as focus moved through them.
- Fixed an issue where a closed tab might appear again in File Explorer after you dragged File Explorer across your monitors.
- Fixed an issue where the tab row might unexpectedly expand vertically, covering the command bar contents.
- Removable drives should no longer unexpectedly be displayed in a section by themselves in the navigation pane, which was breaking up the section with This PC and Network.
- Fixed an issue where the add new tab button wasnt clearly visible when using Aquatic or Desert contrast themes.
- The add new tab button shouldnt overlap with the minimize button in the title bar when using text scaling with a lot of tabs open anymore.
- Fixed a rare explorer.exe crash that could happen while on a Microsoft Teams call, related to sharing windows from the taskbar.
- Made a change to help fix an issue where using Windows Spotlight on the desktop might revert to a solid color background.
- Improved the padding around the uninstall button when using Apps > Installed Apps in grid view.
- Fixed a couple issues that could lead to Quick Settings crashing on launch.
- Fixed an issue which was leading to certain apps freezing after a copy action if Suggested Actions was enabled.
- Fixed a high hitting crash impacting suggested actions reliability.
Nah selain itu ada juga sejumlah known issues yang mana diantaranya adalah:
- Were investigating reports that SQL Server Management Studio is failing to launch for some Insiders.
- Some games that use Easy Anti-Cheat may crash or cause your PC to bugcheck.
- The up arrow is misaligned in File Explorer tabs. This will be fixed in a future update.
- Were working on a fix to address reports that launching File Explorer in certain ways when using dark mode (for example, from the command line) is showing the body of File Explorer unexpectedly in light mode.
- Notification badge number may appear misaligned on the taskbar.
- In some cases, the notification banner for some badging will not appear in the widgets board.
- Were working on the fix for an issue causing Widgets preferences (temperature units and pinned widgets) to unexpectedly get reset to default.
- Certain apps in full screen (e.g., video players) prevent live captions from being visible.
- Certain apps positioned near the top of the screen and closed before live captions is run will re-launch behind the live captions window positioned at top. Use the system menu (ALT + Spacebar) while the app has focus to move the apps window further down.
Jika kamu adalah pengguna Windows 11 Insider Dev Channel, langsung saja kamu perbarui Windows 11 kamu melalui halaman Settings > Windows Updates, kemudian silahkan kamu download Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25163.
Via : Microsoft