Untuk kamu para pengguna Windows 11 Insider Dev Channel, kamu mungkin menyadari bahwa beberapa waktu lalu Microsoft telah merilis Windows 11 Insider Build 22572 melalui halaman Windows Update.
Nah fitur yang dihadirkan sendiri sudah saya bahas dalam artikel terpisah yang dapat kamu lihat pada halaman berikut:
- Fitur ini Akan Meningkatkan Search di Windows 11 Menjadi Lebih Efektif! Tapi
- File Explorer Windows 11 Kembali Uji Fitur Tab!
- Peningkatan Baru Untuk Tampilkan Context Menu Lama di Windows 11
Nah selain tiga itu, ada beberapa fitur dan peningkatan lain yang juga dihadirkan loh, dan berikut kita akan bahas secara mendetail pada artikel ini.
Microsoft Family dan Clipchamp Akan Menjadi Aplikasi Prainstall
Nah mulai pada build ini, aplikasi Microsoft Family dan Clipchamp akan menjadi aplikasi default yang sudah preinstalled di Windows 11, bagi yang belum tahu, aplikasi Microsoft Family sendiri adalah semaca aplikasi parental control yang akan terhubung baik di Windows, dan Mobile.

Sedangkan Clipchamp adalah aplikasi Video Editor yang berisi sejumlah tool dasar seperti trimming, splitting, timeline editor, dan lain sebagainya.

Meskipun Clipchamp mungkin tidak memiliki fitur pro seperti Adobe Premiere, namun bagi yang ingin belajar editing video, Clipchamp mungkin akan membantu kamu untuk memulai pembelajaran.
Menurut saya, kedua aplikasi ini malah menjadi bloatware saja, karena tidak semua orang membutuhkan Microsoft Family dan Clipchamp.
Print Queue Dapatkan Tampilan baru
Mulai build 22572, Print Queue mendapatkan tampilan ala Windows 11 yang tampak lebih modern.

Hadirnya Icon baru
Ada beberapa icon baru yang hadir di Windows 11 Insider Build 22572, diantaranya adalah :
- Quick Assist

- Windows Sandbox

- Notifications Center (Do not disturb) di Taskbar.

- Microsoft Family

- Clipchamp

Akan Hadirnya Fitur Highlight di Windows Search
WinPoin sudah membahas mengenai fitur ini secara terpisah pada halaman berikut. Namun secara umum, fitur ini akan memberikan kamu highlight di Windows Search, dimana Windows Search akan menampilkan informasi mengenai apa yang mungkin ingin kamu lihat, mungkin sebagian orang melihat ini sebagai spam dan tidak bermanfaat, namun untuk kamu yang ingin melihat informasi yang relevant dan sesuai dengan apa yang kamu inginkan.

Perubahan Lainnya
- Windows Terminal kini berubah nama menjadi Terminal saja (di Start Menu)
- Narator natural voice kini tersedia untuk semua bahasa Inggris.
- WMIC kini tersedia sebagai optional feature, dimana kamu bisa menghapus atau menginstallnya secara terpisah dari halaman Settings > Apps > Optional Feature.
- Windows Media Player kini bernama Windows Media Player Legacy.
Selain itu, ada banyak perbaikan yang juga hadir di Build ini, beberapa diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut, dilansir dari halaman resmi Microsoft.
- Fixed an issue for Enterprise edition devices going through the setup experience (OOBE) where the network add screen was skipped on the first attempt.
- Addressed an issue which was causing some Insiders to see a bugcheck with a CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED error in the previous build while attempting to do various things including logging in, opening Outlook, and accessing network shares in File Explorer.
- Mitigated an underlying issue that was leading to audio stutters and touchpad issues in the previous flight.
- Addressed an explorer.exe crash Insiders were seeing in recent builds when attempting to use Windows Mixed Reality.
- Fixed an issue with scroll bars not rendering appropriately on some Win32 applications.
- Fixed another issue where users werent hearing the startup sound.
- Images should no longer be backwards when using a lock screen slideshow with an Arabic or Hebrew display language.
- We fixed the issue that was causing explorer.exe to crash if you right clicked on the Start button or used WIN + X.
- Mitigated an explorer.exe hang that could happen in the last few flights related to the visual indicator in the taskbar when sharing a window in Microsoft Teams.
- Adjusted the sensitivity so quickly sliding your mouse across the widgets icon on the path to an open flyout or menu will no longer make it dismiss.
- Made a change to help address a memory leak in Shell Experience Host when repeatedly opening and closing the Notification Center.
- Addressed a scenario where the Notification Center might not light dismiss if it was opened on top of certain apps.
- Fixed an underlying issue when the display scaling was greater than 100% which was causing drag and drop in the taskbar to unexpectedly show that it wasnt available.
- Touch gestures are restored on all device types, as we resolved the issue that broke several of the new touch gestures announced as part of Build 22557 on non-tablet devices.
- Improved reliability of taskbar auto-collapsing after launching an app.
- Fixed several bugs related to the taskbar state change when disconnecting or reconnecting your keyboard.
- Addressed positioning issues with the hidden icons button and flyout when using the Arabic or Hebrew display language.
- Improved how the Pinned header name is rendered in the Arabic display language.
- Made some more improvements to help with context menu invocation performance.
- Using the Filter option in Quick Access should work for images now.
- Fixed an underlying issue causing the title bar in File Explorer when colored to not visually occupy the full area it was supposed if you maximized the File Explorer window.
- Fixed an issue where if you had a folder selected in the navigation pane and right clicked another folder, options like Open in Windows Terminal would unexpectedly open the first folder.
- Pin to Quick Access is now available in the command bar when a file in Recent Files in Quick Access is selected.
- Mitigated an issue where clicking hyperlinks in RichTextBlocks wasnt working when performed with touch or pen.
- Addressed an issue where custom mouse pointers might revert to the default Windows one after rebooting.
- Fixed an issue where voice typing might display there is a connection issue when that wasnt the cause of the error.
- Addressed an issue where voice typing might not launch after unlocking your PC.
- Fixed a touch keyboard crash that could happen on the login screen when there were multiple accounts on the PC.
- Mitigated an issue impacting pen sensitivity in recent flights.
- Fixed a rendering issue causing the screen to have small freezes in recent flights when trying to ink in certain apps.
- Made some refinements to help improve detection of the pinch to zoom gesture on touchpads.
- Addressed an issue leading to IME toolbar options being unresponsive in some cases for the Chinese (Simplified) IMEs.
- Did some work to address a high hitting search crash.
- Fixed an issue causing a hang when trying to access Personalization > Taskbar > Taskbar behaviors.
- Addressed an issue where font previews under Personalization > Fonts might not be visible when a contrast mode was enabled.
- Improved performance when switching between the different available views on Apps > Installed apps.
- Uninstalling an update via Windows Update > Update History > Uninstall Updates should show a confirmation now before it proceeds.
- An acrylic area should no longer get stuck on the screen if you press WIN + D while interacting with snap layouts at the top of the screen.
- Fixed an issue where if you used snap assist to snap a window that had been minimized, it might not fill the entire available space.
- Fixed a few animation stutters when using 3-finger on screen gestures.
- Addressed an explorer.exe crash that could happen if you attempted to use 3-finger on screen gestures while no windows were visible on screen.
- Addressed an underlying issue which could impact the animations and performance when invoking Task View.
- Mitigated an underlying issue which was causing you to unexpectedly see an X when attempting to rearrange Desktops in Task View in certain scenarios.
- Tweaked the logic to help further reduce the number of sounds heard when connecting and disconnecting monitors and docks.
- Mitigated a recent issue where windows for minimized apps werent launching on the expected monitor upon undocking and redocking.
- The title bar should no longer peek out onto secondary monitors when maximizing certain apps.
- Fixed an issue which was causing certain windows to show an unexpected white rectangle poking out from underneath, spanning the top of the window.
- Updated the new full screen gripper for edge gestures to use acrylic.
- Fixed an issue preventing Narrator from reading in the Run dialog correctly in scan mode.
- Narrator in scan mode will now read error messages in the Error List correctly in Visual Studio.
- Errors while setting up a PIN in device setup (OOBE) will now be read out by Narrator.
- Pitch range for Narrator natural voices has been adjusted to provide more levels of control.
- Addressed an underlying issue which was leading to the pitch not changing when adjust Narrators speed in the 0 to 5 and 15 to 20 ranges in Narrator settings.
- Improved visibility of content when a contrast mode is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where critical system processes were unexpectedly displaying as background processes.
- Addressed an issue that was causing random rows in the processes list to be unexpectedly written in black text when using dark mode.
- Right clicking the Task Manager icon in the system tray should now actually show the context menu rather than a blank box.
- Pressing Esc should no longer unexpectedly close Task Manager.
Wah ada banyak banget bukan?, beberapa diantaranya mungkin tampak menyebalkan bagi saya, terlebih hadirnya Microsoft Family dan Clipchamp yang menurut saya hanya menjadi bloatware saja, namun itu menurut saya loh, mungkin berbeda untuk kamu.
Silahkan komen dibawah guys, dan berikan pendapatmu mengenai hal ini dikolom komentar dibawah.
Untuk kamu yang ingin mendapatkan pembaruan Windows 11 Insider Build 22572, kamu bisa langsung saja masuk ke Settings > Windows Updates > Klik Check For Updates untuk mendapatkan pembaruan.
Via: Microsoft